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Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze, Movie, 1975 IMDB

Pictures provided by: stronghold

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stronghold EN

2007-05-13 02:37

[Image: docsavage3we8.1637.jpg] [Image: docsavage4xj1.8082.jpg] [Image: docsavage86lj8.7830.jpg] [Image: docsavage87hf4.8269.jpg] [Image: docsavage70ng3.9031.jpg] [Image: docsavage88dh5.7861.jpg] [Image: docsavage85gn6.6775.jpg]
Here's Doc Savage's other vehicles used in the movie:-
[Image: docsavage1dt1.4669.jpg] [Image: docsavage5jv6.6841.jpg] [Image: docsavage2bb3.7114.jpg] [Image: docsavage18zv8.7328.jpg] [Image: docsavage20qn3.1378.jpg] [Image: docsavage33xw8.9593.jpg] [Image: docsavage34cc0.8739.jpg] [Image: docsavage35io9.9443.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2007-05-13 02:42:27

stronghold EN

2007-05-13 02:44

[Image: docsavage36ae4.8149.jpg] [Image: docsavage37mr6.3532.jpg]
the enemy aircraft
just of note, the movies set in 1936

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