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Revolver, Movie, 1973 IMDB

Pictures provided by: wickey, vilero

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Also known as:

  • Blood in the Streets
  • Die Perfekte Erpressung (Germany)
  • La poursuite implacable (France)

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Comments about this movie

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wickey SK

2009-10-03 23:23

[Image: snapshot20091003204216.7137.jpg]

Ingo DE

2009-10-04 14:47


Did I have to wait a bit?

-- Last edit: 2009-10-04 14:47:45

wickey SK

2009-10-05 11:48


Ingo DE

2009-10-05 11:57

..the movie is from 1973...

Do you got me? ;)

wickey SK

2009-10-05 22:32

ehmmmmmm, no?
I am probably "standing on my cable" (actually I have no idea if this makes any sense in english, it is just direct translation from my language - means when someone is the last person not understanding a joke or getting something - therefor he/she is standing on his cable - probably metaphore to data flowing or whatever..)
so, could you please explain it for me? :)

atom SE

2009-10-05 22:39

Ingo wants you to add a Volkswagen K70, but they never appear for some strange reason...

DynaMike NL

2009-10-05 22:39

Ingo has got a special interest in a car that might have appeared in a 1973 movie. Check his profile ;)

wickey SK

2009-10-05 23:06

oh I see now :) sorry, my bad.

Ingo DE

2009-10-06 23:04

:king: you got it now!

Interesting, the similarity in the languages: in German "Ich stehe auf'm Schlauch" - "I'm standing on the hose pipe" :)

Ingo DE

2009-10-09 23:54

atom wrote Ingo wants you to add a Volkswagen K70, but they never appear for some strange reason...

In this very short film of the 70ies it appears: :)

...and a car for Ralph, a car for sixcyl, a car for antp, a car (a REAL 600 :p ) for taxiguy, a car for atom, a car for DIEHARD, etc... :king:

...but Johnny Ford will not be amused about the "decoration"...

-- Last edit: 2009-10-09 23:57:25

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