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Gemini Man, Movie made for TV, 1976 IMDB

Pictures provided by: stronghold

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stronghold EN

2007-03-11 23:38

[Image: geminiman0xy3.3426.jpg] [Image: geminiman1if0.3259.jpg] [Image: geminiman2uq8.7957.jpg] [Image:] [Image: geminiman101zi6.7149.jpg] [Image: geminiman100oi6.7282.jpg] [Image: geminiman7xb1.7587.jpg] [Image: geminiman82bc4.8006.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2007-03-12 00:25:45


2007-03-12 00:06

I was wondering why this was confusing me the movie Riding with death has the same footage as this movie
I found out that riding with death was pieced together from 2 episodes of this movie
I got the information from IMDB

-- Last edit: 2012-10-04 18:27:08

stronghold EN

2007-03-12 00:06

car chases:- Triumph vs. Dodge police car (or I should say, as it mysteriously changes between the old and newer model during the chase!)
Also a chase with the Ford econoline vs.(two) Ford Maverick's (later a third joins in briefly.!)

stronghold EN

2007-03-12 00:11

lh2 wrote why is everything in this tv show the same as the movie riding with death

It's Not the same movie, I have both (and have already done captures for 'riding with death' to add soon)
Only the 'Origin' with the helicopter and underwater scene is used in both movies.

stronghold EN

2007-03-12 00:12

lh2 wrote stronghold the 2 international harvesters are mising

As already said above, It's Not the same movie.! ;)

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-03-12 00:14

stronghold wrote car chases:- Triumph vs. Dodge police car (or I should say, as it mysteriously changes between the old and newer model during the chase!)
Also a chase with the Ford econoline vs.(two) Ford Maverick's (later a third joins in briefly.!)

Thanks ;)

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