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Missile X - Geheimauftrag Neutronenbombe, Movie, 1979 IMDB

Pictures provided by: s13a

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Also known as:

  • Incident in Teheran
  • Teheran Incident
  • Incidente em Teerã (Brazil)
  • Cruise Missile (Germany)
  • Geheimauftrag zur Hölle - Die Neutronenbombe (Germany)
  • Dødsaktion Krydser-Missil (Denmark)
  • La guerra de los misiles (Spain)
  • Missile X, orden secreta bomba de neutrones (Spain)
  • Epiheirisi: Vomva netroniou (Greece)
  • Allarme nucleare (Italy)
  • Las bastardos de Teherán (Peru)
  • Robotvapnet (Sweden)
  • Raketa Iks - Taynaya missiya 'Neytronnaya bomba' (USSR)
  • Missile X: The Neutron Bomb Incident (USA)

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Comments about this movie

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s13a LT

2021-03-28 18:18

[Image: filmtitle.417.jpg] [Image: director.85.jpg] [Image: cast1.58.jpg] [Image: cast2.57.jpg] [Image: cast3.43.jpg]

Set in the USSR & Iran. Filmed in Iran, Austria, Spain & USA.

s13a LT

2021-03-28 18:19

For IMPDb :
[Image: heli1.26.jpg]
[Image: planeii1.30.jpg]
[Image: planei1.49.jpg] [Image: planei2.23.jpg] [Image: planei3.16.jpg]

CougarTim US

2021-03-28 23:19

s13a wrote For IMPDb :
[Image: planeii1.30.jpg]

Tail number EP-IRP, a 1974 Boeing 727-286 operated by Iran Air. Out of service from 1984 to 2002, overhauled and returned to service, crashed in bad weather in 2011 with 78 fatalities.

s13a LT

2021-03-28 23:30

That's sad :( May those souls rest in peace.

karoomay SY

2021-03-29 16:58

Clearly it was an ill fated idea to restore and resume service for such an old plane, especially that it was out of service for 18 years, where a fatal crash was bound to happen.

sixcyl FR

2021-03-31 21:11

karoomay wrote Clearly it was an ill fated idea to restore and resume service for such an old plane, especially that it was out of service for 18 years, where a fatal crash was bound to happen.

Maybe due to the embargo undergone by Iran for years and years? … :think:

Corkeyandpals US

2021-04-23 18:33

Aircraft at: Link to ""

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