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Body Armour, Movie, 2007 IMDB

Pictures provided by: CarChasesFanatic

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Also known as:

  • Der Bodyguard - Für das Leben des Feindes (Germany)
  • Protection rapprochée (France)
  • Body Armour - In difesa del nemico (Italy)

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Comments about this movie

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CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-10-19 11:27

Appart from the very first sequence with the convoy of CVs and bikes the rest was all filmed in Barcelona, even in the scenes where you see american cars.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2007-10-19 16:51

Perhaps the shots of the convoy in real Los Angeles streets are stock footage taken from another film.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-10-19 17:07

Very possible

Ford_Guy US

2007-10-19 22:59

Gag Halfrunt wrote Perhaps the shots of the convoy in real Los Angeles streets are stock footage taken from another film.

That's what I was thinking too. The convoy looks like the one from S.W.A.T. Two police motorcycles followed by 3 Crown Victorias (the third unmarked) and then the Suburbans...I'm sure it's footage from S.W.A.T. (2003)

Red Grant US

2007-12-09 00:10

Any chases?

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-12-09 00:15

Nope, only car action in it is the Peugeot 405 fliping over /vehicle_133712-Peugeot-405.html ;)

Red Grant US

2007-12-12 23:20


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