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Bulman, UK TV Series, 1985-1987 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Sandie, dsl

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dsl SX

2014-03-13 14:00

[Image: s1title.jpg]
Picked up where Sandie left it (end of ep 1.02) S1 broadcast 1985 - 13 eps, S2 1987 7 eps. Sequel spin-off from Strangers which was a sequel to The XYY Man, all of which were Manchester-based productions by Granada TV. Interesting characters and some good storylines (although others were pretty incomprehensible, particularly in Series 2 which became very silly by the end). Overall deserves its reputation as good TV, but not as much of a classic as some reviews suggest.

Mostly filmed in Manchester (with some obvious efforts to pretend it's London) but there are some genuine London sequences as well, plus some location episodes in Lancashire and a trip to Anglesey. Some cars and locations also appeared in Travelling Man, another Granada production.

Ep2.01 Reliant Rialto through rear window
[Image: 24-58reliantrialto.jpg]

Ep2.03 early and late sequences set at night in rainy car parks amd this was a particularly fuzzy episode on DVD reproduction. There were lots of bikes, but impossible to capture usefully - these were the best:
[Image: 00-06yamaha.jpg] [Image: 00-06yamahab.jpg]

[Image: 00-33blackbike.jpg]

Assorted bits, including 2CV flower pot, real live owl and eagle, train set, an electricity generator for a big old house, the Menai bridge:
[Image: 22-512cvflowerpot.jpg] [Image: owls2e4.jpg]

[Image: owls2e4b.jpg] [Image: 25-58eagle.jpg]

[Image: s2e4generator.jpg] [Image: s2e4generatorb.jpg]

[Image: menais2e3.jpg] [Image: s2e4trainset.jpg]

...and the first entry for IM-BrusselsSprouts-DB

[Image: imbubblingsproutsdbep1-11.jpg]

..... don't be shy - other contributions welcome.

dsl SX

2014-03-13 14:23

Planes for impdb:

[Image: s1e140-43.jpg] [Image: s1e140-58.jpg]

Ep1.02 (supposed to be Lewis in Outer Hebrides, but I think it's much closer to Manchester - North Wales perhaps)
[Image: s1e242-20.jpg]

Ep2.04 - G-AWXZ comes up as 1949 Stampe-Vertongen SV-4C C/N360 - . Probably filmed in Lancashire, somewhere in Colne/Burnley/Clitheroe/Barnoldswick area:
[Image: s2e432-15rollsb.jpg] [Image: s2e444-33.jpg]

[Image: s2e444-53.jpg] [Image: s2e445-00g-awxz.jpg]

[Image: s2e445-10g-awxz.jpg] [Image: s2e445-31.jpg]

[Image: s2e445-39.jpg] [Image: s2e446-02g-awxz.jpg]

[Image: s2e446-36g-awxz.jpg]

.. and this in same ep:

[Image: s2e4plane.jpg]

Ep2.07 museum sequence. Wild guess this was Hendon RAF Museum, north London but not pursued:
[Image: s2e728-23museum.jpg] [Image: s2e728-23museumb.jpg]

[Image: s2e728-23museumc.jpg] [Image: s2e728-23museumd.jpg]

[Image: s2e728-23museume.jpg]

dsl SX

2014-03-31 12:48

^ Ep2.04 - 1949 Stampe-Vertongen SV-4C C/N360 G-AWXZ footage reused in Pet Shop Boys video - /movie.php?id=6786614 and film - /movie_93284-It-Couldn-t-Happen-Here.html

-- Last edit: 2020-06-26 05:05:40

Corkeyandpals US

2014-05-31 20:18

Aircraft at:

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