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Coles Ajax

Coles Ajax in Bulman, TV Series, 1985-1987 IMDB Ep. 1.06

Class: Others, Construction & Engineering vehicle — Model origin: UK

Coles Ajax

Pos: 00:18:45 [*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


dsl SX

2014-03-01 02:19

[Image: 18-45craneb.jpg] [Image: 18-45cranec.jpg]

[Image: 18-45craned.jpg]

@mike962 - pick the bones out of this one! I think main is same crane as thumbs, but its position is different (must be a mobile crane then :whistle: ) so not guaranteed.

mike962 DE

2014-03-01 12:44

It's a different crane and frankly too far to be worth keeping!!

my money is on a JONES crane like this they usually did this kind of mobile cranes
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-- Last edit: 2014-03-01 12:46:11

mike962 DE

2014-03-01 12:48

Coles did at first glance similar looking ones but they are smaller capacity and they don't have the rear supporting pillar and the lattice boom is much smaller too compared to ther Jones
Link to ""
Link to ""

so if you really have to keep this thing it's pretty safe to say it is a JONES

-- Last edit: 2014-03-01 12:50:52

dsl SX

2014-03-01 13:09

Thanks. So if I keep a crane page, you're saying put one of the thumbs as main and call it a Jones? With current main picture just added in comment as unidentifiable other? (Or depending how things go for the rest of the series - 6 of 20 eps now done - I may end up ditching this page and putting all 4 pictures into main page comments).

mike962 DE

2014-03-01 13:47

dsl wrote Thanks. So if I keep a crane page, you're saying put one of the thumbs as main and call it a Jones? With current main picture just added in comment as unidentifiable other? (Or depending how things go for the rest of the series - 6 of 20 eps now done - I may end up ditching this page and putting all 4 pictures into main page comments).

I am saying they are not exactly the same crane, you can see rear markings are different and details don't match

now if its britsh my money is on JONES for both , cos mobile crane with long lattice boom is something they did

Coles as I mentioned didn't do this kind and NCK Rapier and SMith RODLEY didn't do any mobile cranes (only crawlers)

-- Last edit: 2014-03-01 13:49:15

jcb UK

2014-03-01 16:07

Coles probably an Ajax or Ranger

-- Last edit: 2014-03-01 16:12:10

mike962 DE

2014-03-01 17:21

^ stupid I search Coles cranes and the one model which does look like that doesn't pop up [:kiki]

and JCB is right it does have COLES badges on the back but I never seen them in a PAIR just a single big one in the middle

JCB Are you sure model couldn't be DOMINANT ?

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-- Last edit: 2014-03-01 17:27:28

jcb UK

2014-03-03 11:52

It could be as all so similar , but I am happy to stick with Ajax.
By the way Jones Cranes factory colour is red and most of them stay red .
ps - do you know what this loader is ? ( not on imcd)
[Image: _12.jpg] [Image: _12aa.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2014-03-03 11:53:36

mike962 DE

2014-03-03 12:13

sorry have no idea , this old vintage rigid laoder are rather difficult often build by today forgotten producers, heck even pics and info wheel laders from a bigger UK company like AVerling Barford are very rare on the WWW

JCB have considered going to this forum ?

if they get youy membership perhaps you can ask them about the other still unknown construction machine shere

-- Last edit: 2014-03-03 12:16:08

jcb UK

2014-03-03 12:17

I am a founder member ! ( XS650 )and we cannot identify it on CMN , its not British maybe French ?

-- Last edit: 2014-03-03 12:19:54

mike962 DE

2014-03-03 12:20

ohh didn't know that

well seems a I had lots of problem ID construction vehicles from France , and I asked for some help , there is a similar French forum like that !! !!

see here , do you guys have a member who is reasonably good at French ?

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-- Last edit: 2014-03-03 12:20:56

jcb UK

2014-03-03 12:22

You weren't to know mike962 , the machine appeared on UK ebay and has us all very puzzled . Might have a go at the French forum , thanks.

-- Last edit: 2014-03-03 12:23:14

mike962 DE

2014-03-03 15:28

well if it happens don't forget to ask about vehicles I mentioned :)

-- Last edit: 2014-03-03 15:29:00

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