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Roxanne, Movie, 1987 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Sunbar

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antp BE

2006-05-23 11:51

Are the actors very thin, or is there a ratio problem on the pictures ? :D

Sunbar UK

2006-05-23 12:06

antp wrote Are the actors very thin, or is there a ratio problem on the pictures ? :D

:/ I will look at re-sizing them...Thanks.

stronghold EN

2006-05-23 12:07

antp wrote Are the actors very thin, or is there a ratio problem on the pictures ? :D

..Yep..they are steve martin's nose.! :)

Sunbar UK

2006-05-23 12:30

stronghold wrote
..Yep..they are steve martin's nose.! :)


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