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iCarly, TV Series, 2007-2012 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Ddey65, movie freak, Tiggo, opal, Terra, Parrilex304

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antp BE

2008-11-26 18:02

other background vehicles from 1.18 sent by Ddey65:

[Image: icarlynissanmuranoby1.2601.jpg] [Image: icarlyinfinitisuvnw3.5905.jpg]
Nissan Murano & Infiniti.

-- Last edit: 2008-11-26 18:02:33

Ddey65 US

2008-11-26 18:04

I missed the chance to add a Honda Element in the background too.

movie freak US

2009-04-07 00:59

Fred hides under a suv in the episode "Imeet Fred"
[Image: fredhiding.4919.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2009-04-07 01:06:37 (ford_guy)

Ford_Guy US

2009-04-07 01:08

You should try typing in ENTER to separate what you write from the image. It looks odd when both are on the same line...the picture is too far to the right. And you can also include all of the pictures in one post. I edited them for you to make them look better.

Also, don't you submit these in the contributor's section on the forums?

-- Last edit: 2009-04-07 01:09:26

Ddey65 US

2009-04-07 14:58

movie freak wrote Fred hides under a suv in the episode "Imeet Fred"

He claims it's a Toyota. Since we don't see it, and the clearence it's pretty high, we can only guess that it's a 4Runner.

For the record, "iMeet Fred" was Episode 2.10:

thestig8 US

2009-06-15 04:55

FRED- im hiding under a T O Y O T A its a sports utility vehicle AAH THE CABBAGE AAAAAAAAAH

-- Last edit: 2009-06-21 19:08:23 (Animatronixx)

Ddey65 US

2009-06-29 12:52

Speaking of Toyotas, in episode 2.18, we saw Sam's mother crash an old Toyota Corolla station wagon through Ridgeway Junior-Senior High School.

I've got to find a way to track the image of that.

EDIT: Here's a direct link to all three:

-- Last edit: 2009-06-30 04:32:40

Ddey65 US

2010-04-01 21:29

Just out of curiosity, what was wrong with the Dodge Viper I tried to upload?

Ddey65 US

2012-02-07 18:36

An errant LACMTA bus (probably a Neoplan AN 440), can be seen driving in front of Carly & Spencer's apartment building in episode 3.06:

The show is supposed to take place in Seattle, so SoundTransit buses should run in front of the building instead.

[Image: iCarly3-6LACMTABusinSeattle.jpg]
UPDATE: Unfortunatley, this is the best shot I can get.

-- Last edit: 2012-02-19 15:13:37

Ddey65 US

2012-04-12 06:51

An Amtrak train in Episode #3.17.
[Image: iCarly3-17AmtrakTraintoOlympiaWA.jpg]
Could be good for the Internet Movie Trains Database.


Ddey65 US

2012-11-03 23:06

Final episode airs November 23, 2012.

:hello: :(

So don't expand this into 2013.

Ddey65 US

2013-01-05 18:29

A few background vehicles I'm debating whether I should add or not.
[Image: igoodbyegreenmeadowmall.jpg]
Dan Schneider wanted viewers to pay special attention to this SUV:
[Image: igoodbyeredsuvlicenseplate.jpg]

S 415 GT DE

2013-01-05 18:37

first picture shows a Ford Focus, a Chrysler PT Cruiser, a Honda Accord
second picture shows a Nissan Rouge

none of these is especially rare

Ddey65 US

2013-07-08 03:02

Oh, well. In any case, I uploaded two vehicles from the spin-off as of this writing:

Ddey65 US

2013-08-19 03:26

Who dares to identify the car in this episode?

opal TH

2014-09-09 13:02

In Ep. 3.17, 4 RVs have been used, instead of one.
[Image: rv317.jpg] [Image: fs317.jpg] [Image: rv2317.jpg] [Image: ta2317.jpg]

Ddey65 US

2015-05-29 13:42

opal wrote In Ep. 3.17, 4 RVs have been used, instead of one.

We identified at least two of them.

-- Last edit: 2015-05-29 13:43:05

BrentMosher420 US

2015-05-31 13:16

opal wrote In Ep. 3.17, 4 RVs have been used, instead of one.
[Image: rv317.jpg] [Image: fs317.jpg] [Image: rv2317.jpg] [Image: ta2317.jpg]

1: Honey 837 X? 2: 1978-1981 Fleetwood Pace Arrow. 3: looks CGI. 4: 1978-1981 Tiffin Allegro.

Terra US

2016-06-04 13:13

Highway Traffic:
[Image: 9.63.jpg]

Baube QC

2016-06-15 16:38

Ddey65 wrote Who dares to identify the car in this episode?

Looks like a 2006-2010 Volvo C70 to me

-- Last edit: 2016-06-15 16:38:50

San US

2023-10-07 19:48

Ddey65 wrote An Amtrak train in Episode #3.17.
[Image: iCarly3-17AmtrakTraintoOlympiaWA.jpg]
Could be good for the Internet Movie Trains Database.


Amtrak(now Metra)F59PHI, and I'm honestly surprised it hasn't been a thing yet

San US

2023-10-07 19:59

The unaired Gibby pilot just leaked online and their were a few vehicles in it, albeit they were all background vehicles. Think there worth adding to the site?

(Presumably to a different page)

[Image: screenshot_20231007-105224.jpg]

[Image: screenshot_20231007-105348.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2023-10-07 20:01:45

Terra US

2023-10-07 20:04

I say yes

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