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1959 Bedford J4

1959 Bedford J4 in Operation Third Form, Movie, 1966 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: UK

1959 Bedford J4

[*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


johnfromstaffs EN

2018-05-07 15:21

Work it out for yourselves, it’s almost as bad as a Fordson ET.

Sunbar UK

2018-05-07 18:47

Bedford J4 1959 4 ton Truck, by the (longest) 161" wheelbase and smaller 16-in.diameter wheels.

jcb UK

2018-05-07 20:06

In Bedford factory speak T stood for truck as in Truck J = TJ and Truck K = TK.

But for some reason TK 's are always called TK's but TJ 's are always called J's :??: so sticking with this a good idea .

-- Last edit: 2018-05-07 20:09:48

Sunbar UK

2018-05-10 12:47

I think TKs were the first Bedford truck to use the internal model code as a model name widely in adverts. It also used KM for the later heavier applications which should really have been TKM (lighter TKs being TKA to TKH).

TJs were far less widely known as a model name I think although I have found two adverts with Bedford TJ mentioned.

TA, TC and TD were all used by Bedford as internal codes for 1950s trucks, perhaps to define them different to passenger models and possibly CA vans (C commercial/purpose built van?).

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