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Made for Movie

Made for Movie in The Good German, Movie, 2006 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Simple truck

Made for Movie

[*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


sixcyl FR

2007-10-07 10:50

[Image: camion6x2a1qo1.1970.jpg] [Image: camion6x2bwh2.3707.jpg] [Image: camion6x2b1ec4.4041.jpg] [Image: camion6x2cty3.9489.jpg] [Image:]

Alexander DE

2007-10-08 19:51

I would say this is just a 'Made for Movie' vehicle, that resembles on of the three axle officer's cars that were in use in the German army. Details are too far off any m. gl. Einheits-Pkw (Kfz. 15/16/17) or any of the 6-wheel cars.

The base vehicle could be a Dodge WC-62, but that is too vague to use that name.

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