Author | Message |
◊ 2019-12-18 20:49 | Duple Super Vega, Bedford SB possibly but can't tell if SBG (Petrol) or SBO (Diesel). -- Last edit: 2019-12-18 21:13:47 |
◊ 2019-12-18 21:41 |
October 1953 - October 1955 oval grille early FS56 Vega or Super Vega BMD MAR 1954 London DMH DEC 1954 London BMH MAR 1954 London BMK APR 1954 London A little searching shows the BOAC coach on Bus Lists on the Web. '545 BMK' Bedford SBG Duple July 1954 BOAC,SW1 the registration looks likely to be the same. -- Last edit: 2019-12-18 21:49:34 |