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1974 AMC Hornet

1974 AMC Hornet in Galactica 1980, TV Series, 1980 IMDB Ep. 1.07

Class: Cars, Hatchback — Model origin: US

1974 AMC Hornet

Pos: 00:44:40 [*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle



2020-10-18 00:30

[r] AMC Hornet Hatchback
[l] Dodge Dart/Plymouth Valiant
[back - l] Dodge Aspen/Plymouth Volare

rjluna2 US

2020-10-18 17:36

Take your pick :D

Baube QC

2020-10-18 17:41

Volare.. my dad had one and lets just say that despite the fact it worked correctly the only time i really needed it i won't touch with a 10-foot pole... :D

Dart/Valiant might be the best choice

but my heart would go with the AMC..

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