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Huanghe QD 352 (by default)

Huanghe QD 352 in Hei pao shi jian, Movie, 1985 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: CZ — Built in: CN — Made for: CN

Huanghe QD 352 (by default)

Pos: 00:23:04 [*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


aquila CN

2020-12-05 10:22


s13a LT

2020-12-05 19:25

aquila wrote HuangHe...QD352?

Or Hefei Jianghuai Automobile (now known as JAC) ?

There were also a few other manufacturers (Hunan, Nanyang etc) in China, which, reportedly, were using the same 706 RT/MT cab:

Link to ""

Then there's also a possibility that some original 706's were imported too.

-- Last edit: 2020-12-05 19:30:38

aquila CN

2020-12-05 19:36

:think: I cannot tell but associate it with the typical color
orange body and red wheels

Link to ""

s13a LT

2020-12-05 19:44

Indeed, the colors do look convincing, but the 2nd side window appears to be longer (almost the same size and shape as the 1st side window), and I can't find the match while looking at the photos of HuangHe.

aquila CN

2020-12-05 19:57

The second window is like this viewed from the side:

s13a LT

2020-12-05 20:17

Those photos show the truck (HuangHe I suppose?) with the small and square 2nd side window. My point is that other manufacturers had utilized slightly different design elements to their trucks. This is pointed out in that linked czech article: it mentions the design differences of the windows, headlights, side indicators etc. I wouldn't oppose calling this HuangHe (by default, perhaps), it's just that the 2nd side window could indicate something else.

-- Last edit: 2020-12-05 20:19:49

aquila CN

2020-12-05 20:35

The second window is divided into two parts? :think:
Here is what else I have with these cabs

Jianghuai 江淮 HF150A:

LongJiang 龙江 LJ150/LJ352A:

Hunan 湖南 HJ352:

-- Last edit: 2020-12-05 21:02:31

s13a LT

2020-12-05 20:52

Thanks for the research, but please downsize the pictures.

Also, the first truck in your post is actually Jianghuai not HuangHe, it's in your text as well (江淮 --> Jiānghuái). They also look different.

aquila CN

2020-12-05 20:57

Sorry if I am not aware of the rules here. I now posted them as links.
Yes, they look different, I just wanted to list the trucks using these cabs. :)

-- Last edit: 2020-12-05 21:05:10

aquila CN

2020-12-06 15:02

I think this is the same truck model on this internal link: /vehicle_1298782-Huanghe-QD-352.html

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