
Last completed movie pages

1959 Renault Dauphine Gérin

1959 Renault Dauphine in Fröhliche Zukunft! — Wünsche, Wunder und Visionen, Documentary, 1988

Class: Cars, Proto / Concept — Model origin: FR

1959 Renault Dauphine Gérin

[*][*][*] Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase

Comments about this vehicle


Alexander DE

2007-12-28 18:52

[Image: frhlichezukunft148renauls6.6983.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft149renauli2.1712.jpg] [Image:] [Image: frhlichezukunft153renaurx0.4894.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft155renaubh6.1391.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft156renauuy4.2034.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft157renauwk1.6946.jpg]
A rotating wheel in the front replaces the bumper and gets the car back onto the road. So, if gravity always pulls you towards other cars or trees, this is what you need! ;)

DynaMike NL

2007-12-28 21:36

There is an article about this car in "L'Automobile" # 158 (June 1959). The rotating wheel in the front is the spare wheel that is fixed on a construction of tubes of molybdenum chrome. License plate number is 283 DX 21 (=late 1958, so m.y. 1959). The inventor was Jacques Gérin from Boulogne-Billancourt, who adapted this Dauphine for personel use. In 1922 he had built a car with propeller, in 1924 another one withe propeller, rear mounted engine and all-independant suspension. He also built two aeroplanes with variable wing surface ("Varivol").

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