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Fröhliche Zukunft! — Wünsche, Wunder und Visionen, Documentary, 1988

Pictures provided by: Alexander

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Alexander DE

2007-12-28 02:08

[Image: frhlichezukunft004tv9.7696.jpg]
This documentary presents filmclips showing a past future.
Next to futuristic cars and concepts all sorts of futuristic appliances are shown, from household to spaceflight. This is how our ancestors thought the future (i.e. today) will be.

Most ideas sound ridiculous from today's point of view:

Jules Verne's idea of aerodynamical cars:
[Image: frhlichezukunft016ug1.2033.jpg]
that can fly:
[Image: frhlichezukunft017sn3.9663.jpg]

Cars runing on nuclear power:
and everyone would have a mobile transmitter with which it is possible to talk to your relatives:
[Image: frhlichezukunft026la8.7452.jpg]
... what a strange idea ... who would want something like that?



Here some machines that fly ... or not:
[Image: frhlichezukunft005dm6.7758.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft006thegrls3.9110.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft007thegrsp4.8110.jpg] [Image:] [Image:] [Image: frhlichezukunft018yi8.5483.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft019vh6.4601.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft020pp4.1111.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft021kj0.1774.jpg] [Image:] [Image: frhlichezukunft023nt8.5083.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft024pp5.3448.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft025tr9.1593.jpg]


A flying boat that was successful, the Dornier Do X (1929):
[Image: frhlichezukunft033dorniol4.442.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft035dornind4.5751.jpg] [Image:]

... and one that wasn't:
[Image: frhlichezukunft069ho1.3282.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft070ml4.7816.jpg]


Monorail trains:

The Aérotrain Expérimental 01 (1965):
[Image: frhlichezukunft003arotreb1.4391.jpg]

and the Alweg-Bahn (1957):
[Image: frhlichezukunft012alwegde6.8139.jpg]


A very intriguing hood-ornament:
[Image: frhlichezukunft032eo9.5597.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft031qd1.3237.jpg]
... or should I say hound-ornament? ;)


[Image: frhlichezukunft115lf2.9028.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft116hj1.226.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft117qt0.8262.jpg]
Having fun at the race-circuit.


[Image: frhlichezukunft202mq8.5438.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft203jq4.6991.jpg] [Image:] [Image:] [Image: frhlichezukunft216mv8.8318.jpg]
Futuristic robots


The modern kitchen:

[Image: frhlichezukunft217mc1.720.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft218ms4.3456.jpg]
Home shoppling with a personal touch.

A fridge that keeps your veggies for six month.

[Image: frhlichezukunft220gf4.4929.jpg]
An induction cooker ... yes, it's not a new idea!

[Image: frhlichezukunft221uw3.2622.jpg] [Image:]
The recipies are stored on punchcards read by a Hollerith machine.

And the grille works with infrared light.


Homecomputing in the 50s:

[Image: frhlichezukunft205fs0.9602.jpg]
The mainboard.

[Image: frhlichezukunft206ox8.5904.jpg]
The keyboard (the girl came with it).

[Image:] [Image: frhlichezukunft209ta3.4182.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft210gq6.774.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft211ba3.5404.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft212yu4.5005.jpg] [Image: frhlichezukunft214wj8.7150.jpg]
I/O stuff.

It made incredible 4.300 additions per second.


That's all for now and if I have nothing else to do I will find this one:
[Image: frhlichezukunft095sp0.979.jpg]


Thanks to all that helped identifying these strange vehicles!

-- Last edit: 2007-12-28 22:01:45

Neptune US

2007-12-28 02:23

Alexander wrote
Cars runing on nuclear power:

They weren’t too far off were they? ... :D

[Image: lexusconceptcarminorityii7.7112.jpg]

stronghold EN

2007-12-28 09:45

Excellent pictures ;)

sixcyl FR

2011-07-07 23:20

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