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1954 Connaught ALSR

1954 Connaught ALSR in Goodwood: Race Car Legends, Documentary, 2007

Class: Cars, Racecar — Model origin: UK

1954 Connaught ALSR

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


Ddey65 US

2008-07-03 13:57

Lotus Eleven?

Zophos1979 NL

2008-07-03 20:28

Nope, unless somebody decided to do some poorly executed cosmetic work on it in their shed..

looks strangely american with the additional headlights in the airintake

In a weird way it reminds me of Arnolt-Bristols, with the vertical radiator grill flanked by large headlights framed together in an ovalish mouth

DynaMike NL

2008-07-03 21:03

It is green and RHD, though.

Could this /vehicle_182871-unknown.html be the same car ?

-- Last edit: 2008-07-03 21:11:43

Zophos1979 NL

2008-07-03 21:43

ghehe, true.. hence the strangely... colour and driver position are off, but the design of the vehicle, I'd expect a British design to be lower both in terms of driver position and general shape of the tail. It just looks like a weird, almost homegrown... thing.

Does it call anything in particular to mind??

As for are they the same, the design looks pretty similar. could well be the same make/model, whether it's the exact same car... that's another matter

-- Last edit: 2008-07-03 21:50:01

chris40 UK

2008-07-03 23:03

I think it might be a Lotus VIII. Normally the VIII's rear wheels were covered, but the fins at the rear are very similar.

Zophos1979 NL

2008-07-04 00:26

the fins do fit that, but I do think the nose to chunky and messy.. still, only shot I could find even remotely resembling this car is a lotus ten (Mk10), though even that was sleeker, and the sides less rounded, not to mention the entire thing seemed to be build lower to the ground

Junkman UK

2009-04-04 01:34

It's a Bristol 450C

Zophos1979 NL

2011-01-25 01:59

for a moment there I thought "he's got it" bhut no.. not a bristol 450C again, to rotund, and the front fenders come down way to far over the top of the wheels... not to mention grill and headlight configuration is significantly different

dsl SX

2011-01-25 10:54

Extra lights = night racing, so probably raced at Le Mans. Looks late 50s to me.

Barrett UK

2011-10-15 18:35

This is a Connaught ALSR from 1954.
[Image: ConnaughtALSR.jpg]
[Image: Connaught_ALSR.jpg]

stronghold EN

2011-10-15 19:35


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