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1986 Mercedes-Benz Bestattungswagen Pollmann SK 210 124 [VF124]

1986 Mercedes-Benz Bestattungswagen [VF124] in Mission Ulja Funk, Movie, 2021 IMDB

Class: Cars, Funeral — Model origin: DE

1986 Mercedes-Benz Bestattungswagen Pollmann SK 210 124 [VF124]

Pos: 00:06:19 [*][*][*][*][*] The vehicle is part of the movie

Comments about this vehicle


RedBoy9199 DE

2024-04-13 12:16


Animatronixx DE

2024-04-14 22:58

Coachwork by Pollmann Karosserie, Bremen, equipped with an additional Mercedes-Benz S123 roof rail. Internal model name was SK 210 124, based on VF124, premiered in September 1985.

[Image: pollmannmbw124sk210124premiereseptember1985.jpg]

Clearly modified for the movie, as follows: Original drape panels removed, replaced with net curtains, in order to enable the peek-a-boo scenes (as seen below), window in the partition wall massively extended, probably also for dramaturgical reasons (also seen below).

[Image: operamomentaufnahme_2024-04-11_214005_wwwmissionuljafunkde.jpg] [Image: operamomentaufnahme_2024-04-11_214059_wwwmissionuljafunkde.jpg] [Image: operamomentaufnahme_2024-04-11_214126_wwwmissionuljafunkde.jpg]

Animatronixx DE

2024-04-21 14:31

Just watched this movie - and I had no idea! :wow:

Basically a road movie, featuring a [*][*][*][*][*] red (!) hearse (which is clearly a former hearse, not used professionally any more) with a noticeable roof rail and cream-colored drapes and various crosses and palm leaves on it. Crazy driving throughout the movie with the hearse, which also works as a symbol for the opposite of naive Christianity. There are constantly people sitting in the rear compartment and they talk to the drivers through the window in the partition wall while en route.

Sounds familiar? Not to me - at least not until the very end of the movie, when I read the credits and found out the movie was co-produced by Bernard Michaux - and suddenly it all made sense. :wow:

Bernard and I had been working together on The Plot Spoiler over a period of several months between 2003 and 2004. He was the guy who filmed most of the action scenes of my hearse with me driving it back then and can be seen in the behind-the-scenes pictures I once posted. "The Plot Spoiler" is sort of a road movie, featuring a [*][*][*][*][*] red (!) hearse (which is clearly a former hearse, not used professionally any more) with a noticeable roof rail and cream-colored drapes and various crosses and palm leaves on it. Crazy driving throughout the movie with the hearse, which also works as a symbol for the opposite of naive Christianity. There are constantly people sitting in the rear compartment and they talk to the drivers through the window in the partition wall while en route. Now, let that sink in... Can you imagine how I almost fell of my chair when I realized this connection?

If you know both movies, you can even spot various cinematographic references to "The Plot Spoiler", even if this movie tells a completely different story. I have no doubt: This movie car was largely inspired by my old Opel Rekord hearse and certainly is some sort of dedication. :)

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