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1939 Humber Snipe Staff Car

1939 Humber Snipe in Dunkirk, Movie, 1958 IMDB

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: UK

1939 Humber Snipe Staff Car

Pos: 00:04:20 [*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


johnfromstaffs EN

2024-04-15 19:31

Humber Super Snipe.

dsl SX

2024-04-17 13:33

Snipe Staff Car - compare.

johnfromstaffs EN

2024-04-20 08:57

Good day folks. Well, that’s the first week over, only another fifteen treatments to go. The treatment itself is fairly innocuous but the preparation time of one and a half hours, and the risk of not getting it right first time is there. The other problem is that the hospital car park is way, way too small, which means arriving about one hour early to search for a slot. Add to that the twenty mile journey and I am out and about at times I have never seen since I retired.

Enough whingeing, I am getting the finest and most up to date medical treatment available anywhere in the world free of charge thanks to the National Health Service. May it last forever.

One final point, you blokes, at risk of preaching. I have spotted my cancer early enough to get it fixed, thanks to a simple blood test which my local surgery did f-o-c upon request. If you are over 50, ask your Doc for PSA blood test. Getting mine done when my PSA had risen to 9.2, (concern starts at about 6) may well have saved my life.

Yours prostatically, jfs

Baube QC

2024-04-20 09:45

Wish you well , John :)

johnfromstaffs EN

2024-04-20 11:04


night cub US

2024-04-20 11:08

Sorry to hear you are going through all that but glad you are on the mend.

johnfromstaffs EN

2024-04-20 13:17


rjluna2 US

2024-04-20 17:05

Speedy recovery for you, John :)

jcb UK

2024-04-20 18:01

Good luck with it all JFS .
Can't understand why over 50s do not get a yearly PSA test as a routine.
I get an annual check over with my surgery but they do not do PSA test .
I will request one next time.

-- Last edit: 2024-04-20 18:02:16

Truck_Guy US

2024-04-20 18:08

Glad to hear your treatments are going well, John.

johnfromstaffs EN

2024-04-20 22:27

Thank you, gents all.

jcb, couldn’t agree more, if caught early it can be treated with success in many cases. The longer you wait, or are forced to wait, the more difficult the task, and as the first stage of treatment for most people is hormone injections, the treatment can be started quickly.

Animatronixx DE

2024-04-20 23:16

All the best to you @John! My best friend's father received the same diagnosis literally decades ago (late 1990s something?! Seems like forever...). Even though he was in a somewhat fragile shape (for completely different reasons) when I saw him three weeks ago, he seemed pretty fine. Keep the spirits up! Also, thanks for the heads up - I fully agree! Sincerely, the hearse guy who also does ambulances aka. life savers.

johnfromstaffs EN

2024-04-21 08:18


chicomarx BE

2024-04-21 09:02

Good luck with the treatment. I don't know if they recommend a special diet but calorie restriction could aid the treatment, and certainly work preventatively, see Otto Warburg and the Warburg Effect, essentially that fasting will kill cancer cells because they consume more energy than healthy cells. Current medicine is focused on treating cancer from a genetic standpoint, but Warburg is being rediscovered.

chicomarx BE

2024-04-21 09:09

Link to ""

johnfromstaffs EN

2024-04-21 14:37

Thank you. I eat very little as it is, but there are calories in alcohol!

I will read the link.

Sunbar UK

2024-04-21 17:04

Wishing you well, John, and a speedy and lasting recovery.

Thanks for the good advice about a PSA blood test (which I never knew existed). I'm old enough to be in my late 70s, so will be talking to my GP's surgery about it.

Its good to hear your first treatment went well for you. So looking forward to things progressing well in the weeks ahead.

johnfromstaffs EN

2024-05-07 22:02

Thank you, Sunbar. Sorry about the late response, it’s been a bit hectic one way or another. I am now only three visits from completion, the next stage is to find out whether it has worked!

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