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1940 AEC Marshall 2500 gallon Aircraft Refueller [O854]

1940 AEC Marshall [O854] in Dresden, Movie made for TV, 2006 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: UK

1940 AEC Marshall 2500 gallon Aircraft Refueller [O854]

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


Lateef NO

2009-10-04 17:21

Looks like a Matador with an extra pair of wheels.

EDIT: Found it:

-- Last edit: 2009-10-04 18:00:46

2491tj EN

2009-10-04 18:48

AEC 854/0854 2500 gallon AVGAS aircraft refueller,10 ton 6x6. AEC derived vehicle based on their 4x4 Matador, but with 6x6 chassis for the RAF.

Sunbar UK

2009-10-04 20:50

The type O854 is probably better shown in the chassis field (also the letter 'O' indicating diesel oil rather than zero).

sixcyl FR

2009-10-04 21:04

And nice Avro Lancaster RAF bomber in the background :)

Lateef NO

2009-10-04 21:48

If there will ever be a IMADB, these Lancasters will get four stars :)

antarmike EN

2009-12-31 00:31

This is an O854 not an 854. The 854 has an autovac mounted on the front scuttle, missing fom this photo, ans the radiaor would also be deeper, front to back, and the top woulod lean slightly backwards. This is the Diesel (oil) engined version. Same Chassis used on RAF mobile Oxygen plant and RAF Coles crane avriants.

rattle on EN

2013-09-05 18:25

AEC Marshal chassis with cab, wheels and transmission from the matador model.

-- Last edit: 2013-09-05 18:26:51

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