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1984 Mercury Topaz

1984 Mercury Topaz in Weird Science, TV Series, 1994-1998 IMDB Ep. 4.20

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: US

1984 Mercury Topaz

Pos: 00:14:38 [*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle



2006-03-25 01:45

The car in the back is a Saturn S series sedan. I think it is an SC. But it is a Saturn S series. And the white car I think is Toyota or older Volkswagon Passat.

firebird86 US

2006-03-25 03:02

Looks like a 1990 Ford Taurus in the background, Link to "" and the white car looks like a 1985 Mercury Topaz

-- Last edit: 2006-03-25 06:15:31


2006-03-25 03:09

Not a Taurus, side molding is different. Saturn S-series or maybe a Volvo.

firebird86 US

2006-03-25 03:22

Explorer please locate some pictures online, copy and paste the link to them to substantiate your claim


2006-03-25 04:01

Okay, heres your pics. You get some pictures of a Ford Taurus. <1999 Saturn SC sedan base model without side moldings. <1995 Saturn SL1 sedan, 2nd version trim with side strip.
I don't think the Taurus ever had those plastic-looking side moldings. Although they are similar. The SC and SL1 and 2 were both made to compete against the Ford Taurus. Just like the Toyota Camry. So they are all very close.

-- Last edit: 2006-03-25 04:03:05


2006-03-25 04:04

This one is probly a SL series.

firebird86 US

2006-03-25 04:11

scroll up to my last entry


2006-03-25 04:32

Close, but no match. The car in the pic (The Saturn) has a black plastic bumper, smaller side-mirrors and is shorter then a Taurus. Also Ford produced almost zip number of cars with black-plastic bumpers, if any black bumpers at all. Most are body colored or chrome. For the early 90's Saturn produced almost all of there S-series sedans and wagons with black plastic bumpers. Also, notice how the Taurus' headlights wrap around the side of the car, this one does not. The Saturn pictures I submitted don't have wrap-around-the-side headlights.

qwerty_86 US

2006-03-25 08:05

The tan car is a 1986-1991 Ford Taurus and the white car is a Mercury Topaz. The Ford Taurus DID come with dark colored trim in the '80s. If you look closely, the lower portion of the bumper is a lighter color. It does have wraparound headlights, but the compression on the picture obscures it.

antp BE

2006-03-25 10:57

Picture was for the white car in the middle of the picture.

explorer4x4 wrote or maybe a Volvo.

not a Citroën Xantia ? :lol: ;)

-- Last edit: 2006-03-25 10:58:03

Bebert FR

2006-03-25 11:06

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Saturn Simon UK

2006-03-25 12:41

1984 Mercury Topaz.


2006-03-25 20:43

Very similar, but look at the dramaatic slope of the hood. Taurus's had standard hoods and tthe SL front of the car slopes down vary low.


2006-03-25 20:45

And the Taurus is taller then the SL, and this car doesn't exactly look that big. And the black molding is smaller then the one in this picture. The SL had bigger molding.


2006-03-26 03:31

It is to small to be a Taurus. It is a Saturn SL or maybe a Ford Tempo.

qwerty_86 US

2006-03-26 05:16

Early '90s Saturns had wraparound rear windows and this car obviously doesn't have that.


2006-03-26 08:02

Look back at the picture of the SC I submitted, it doesn't have wraparound rear windows.

qwerty_86 US

2006-03-26 09:09

The rear pillar shape on the car in screen capture doesn't match the pillars on that late model Saturn.

-- Last edit: 2006-03-26 09:45:34


2006-03-26 20:33

I still don't see Taurus. I am sure it is a Saturn. And even if it is a Ford, it is not a Taurus. It would be a Tempo. The Taurus was bigger.


2006-03-27 08:46

I have to agree with Qwerty_86. There is NO WAY that thing is a Saturn. You should really look more into cars before assuming. The Saturn is more rounded in the back and the front end is more pointy.

Link to ""

There is a picture of a Gen 1 (86-91) Ford Taurus. It has the black plastic bumper, color matched mirrors and the door moulding! Perfect match tbh.

BeanBandit FI

2006-03-27 12:44

I agree, the gray car is Robocop-Taurus (that's what I always call this model).


2006-03-28 02:30

Look at the quarter window on the rear, wheels, molding, overall shape, it screams Taurus!!!!!!

Link to ""

Go to the link and look at the taurus. After that picture you cannot tell me that is a saturn. The trim is there, the quarter window it the same


2006-03-28 05:36

LOL explorer. That car doesn't even resemble a Saturn.

It's a Taurus. Without the tiniest bit of doubt.

Let's be honest. You drive an explorer; if you can't tell the difference between a Saturn and a Ford, you have no business trying to distinguish between a Taurus and a Tempo. That's no Tempo. Consider listening to the other 5 people who've told you too.


2006-03-28 06:08

I drive a 1989 Ford Tempo AWD 4 door sedan. And why does it matter what car you drive??? And My uncle drives a 1993 Saturn SC. I still don't see a Taurus. Taurus or Tempo, I would like some proof otherwise besides your words.


2006-03-28 06:22

Does the Taurus come with black handels and without the chrome strip of molding. Otherwise it does seem like it is a Taurus and not a SC. And the Tempo was very similer to the Taurus. I own one and am rebuilding the starting/ignition system.

qwerty_86 US

2006-03-28 07:42

You can't see the chrome strip because of the picture quality. Lower end models only had black trim on the side while higher end models had gray trim plus chrome on the lower part of the doors. But all Taurus from 1986 to 1993 had black door handles.

-- Last edit: 2006-03-28 07:44:19


2006-03-28 09:10

Explorer4x4, try taking a gander at the link I submitted. It's exactly the same, down to the rims/hub caps. I'll repeat again, it's definetly not a Saturn and the white car is for sure a Mercury Topaz.


2006-03-28 13:39

Explorer I owned a tempo, and I now own a taurus. I know the pretty much know the insides and outs of these car and can pin point one from just about any distance.


2006-03-28 16:02

Proof other than my words? It's already been posted; I'm not sure why you don't look at it. You posted 2 pictures of Saturns that don't even resemble the car in the background whatsoever. Others have posted photos of '86-'91 Tauruses whose bodies match that car perfectly.

If you can post on a forum, you can use the Google Images search. I can assure you, if you do a Taurus you'll find a lot of first-generation cars, probably even a side profile photo in that exact color.

antp BE

2006-03-28 20:02

All that discussion for a car that is not listed on the site and that won't be listed... (visible for a too short time)
Well, here is the only other view that I could get, I hope this will stop the discussion and help to identify it for sure:
[Image: 0014377eb.5068.jpg]

Hecubus CA

2006-03-28 20:13

antp wrote All that discussion for a car that is not listed on the site and that won't be listed... (visible for a too short time)
Well, here is the only other view that I could get, I hope this will stop the discussion and help to identify it for sure:
[Image: 0014377eb.5068.jpg]

I think it's thoroughly identfied as a first-generation Taurus, we just haven't convinced explorer4x4 of it yet. Something else that makes it a Taurus is the body coloured section (not the whole mirror, just a section) on the side view mirror, which the Saturn didn't have.

sixcyl FR

2006-03-28 20:21

antp wrote All that discussion for a car that is not listed on the site and that won't be listed... (visible for a too short time)
Well, here is the only other view that I could get, I hope this will stop the discussion and help to identify it for sure:
[Image: 0014377eb.5068.jpg]

..tu dis STOP quoi! :D


2006-03-28 21:42

Okay. The rear lights are Ford lights. And it is a Taurus.


2006-03-29 21:26
1984 Mercury Topaz

qwerty_86 US

2006-03-30 01:29

We've already classified the white car as a Topaz in the second comment.

firebird86 US

2006-03-30 05:47

Im speechless :wow:


2006-06-17 00:47

Ford loves to copy Volkswagen design.

That's why the old Mercury Topaz looked so much like a Volkswagen Jetta MK2.

-- Last edit: 2006-06-17 00:47:22


2006-06-17 02:36

? This is the only car that even slightly resembles a VW.

qwerty_86 US

2006-06-17 06:34

I don't see the resemblance between the Topaz and a Jetta. I do see the resemblance between the new Ford Five Hundred and the Passat though.


2006-06-17 09:00

The early Topaz front-end looks like a lot with the MK2 Jetta.

The Five-Hundred looks like the Audi A6 IMO.

qwerty_86 US

2006-06-18 09:29

Maybe if you squint you can see it, but there's not much of a strong resemblance.


-- Last edit: 2006-06-18 09:29:59

Ford_boy_1984 US

2006-06-24 10:40 Here is your proof about the trim, molding and black door handles and it even can be like this 86 taurus

Ford_boy_1984 US

2006-06-24 11:01

Nice try explorer, good fight but your facts got too technical for you, the bumper is infact tan w/ the rest of the car, the picture is distorted some what. As far as the car being too small "DEPTH perception". The Cars in the BACKGROWN "farther away", meaning the car will look smaller than the other car that is in the fore grown "the closer car". The headlight you cannot see due to the bad pic. But on the 1st gen the headlight wrap you wouldn’t see anyway due to the fact that there is not much, I shall refer you to the post above. The molding and the door handles once again ill refer you to the above pic.


2006-08-01 16:52

qwerty_86 wrote Maybe if you squint you can see it, but there's not much of a strong resemblance.


Thank you qwerty!

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