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1953 Reo M-34 [G742]

1953 Reo M-34 [G742] in Lost Command, Movie, 1966 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: US

1953 Reo M-34 [G742]

[*][*][*] Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase

Comments about this vehicle


sixcyl FR

2006-07-18 20:35

Is somebody knows if French Army had such vehicle? ... I doubt, but I may mistake

jplemoine FR

2006-07-18 21:01

Bôf... Avec tout le stock de récup' de 1944, ça serait bien le diable s'il n'en a pas traîné quelques-uns... en France, ou plus tard, en Indochine...

antp BE

2006-07-18 21:02

Lots of old Dodge trucks similar to that were left in France

sixcyl FR

2006-07-18 22:01

Ok for Dodge (which are not very similar ...smaller vehicles) there were thousands of them used in France, but this one? never see any of them

antp BE

2006-07-18 22:14

Some Dodge WC-series were as big as this one (though a little different, of course). I guess that they also bring some of these trucks.

sixcyl FR

2006-07-18 22:42

[Image: amgeneral1xs8.8493.jpg]
Le suivant: ...rigolez pas mais c'est un transporteur de troupes de l' armée française dans les rues d'Alger (pi s'qu'on vou'l dit!) :o
[Image: amgeneral3nd1.2696.jpg]

Gag Halfrunt UK

2006-07-18 23:26

This looks like an M-35 or something similar, but AM General didn't come into being until 1982:

Pokeoddsponge US

2006-07-19 05:20

Early model AM General M-35.

There have been 4 different versions of the truck, M35 (seen here), M35A1, M35A2, and M35A3

Alexander DE

2006-07-19 11:13

It is not an AM General, as this name as a company and brand name was only started April 1st, 1971. The film is from 1966.
It is not an M-35, either. Note the single rear wheels and the wheel arches. The M-35 had smaller double-wheels and no need for wheel arches. This one is a M-34, designed and build by Reo. Production started in 1953 and lasted, together with the M-35 and all the variants, until the late 1980s. Next to Reo it was also produced by Studebaker, Studebaker-Packard, Curtis Wright, Kaiser Jeep, General Products Division AMC, AM General and (possibly) White.

rattle on EN

2021-01-18 19:37

Has Film shot in Spain possible Spanish built Barreiros Panter -Model PB 185

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