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1955 Dodge C-3

1955 Dodge C-3 in Man in the Shadow, Movie, 1957 IMDB

Class: Cars, Pick-up — Model origin: US

1955 Dodge C-3

Pos: 00:47:46 [*][*][*][*] Vehicle used a lot by a main character or for a long time

Comments about this vehicle


DidierF FR

2014-09-19 13:43

A '56 C-series, I guess. I'll post some more pics.

DidierF FR

2014-09-19 14:09

[Image: vlcsnap-2014-09-18-17h29m03s60.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2014-09-18-17h29m19s70.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2014-09-18-18h17m29s206.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2014-09-18-19h28m58s40.jpg]

DidierF FR

2014-09-19 14:11

Some 1956 C-3?

DidierF FR

2014-09-30 20:18

No precise ID for this well photographied [*][*][*][*]?

DidierF FR

2014-10-27 22:53

eLMeR, chais bien que c'est pas un GM mais enfin… Tu n'as pas un nom à proposer pour ce Dodge ?


2015-02-22 14:31

[Image: Cagouille.gif] Here I am :D

1954-60 C-Series indeed, with the 1954-56 grille. The Pilot-House cab (with the wraparound windshield) was unveiled in April 1955, which makes this pickup a 1955-56 "Job-Rated" C3-series. With a V8 (see the hood emblem), not a L6, so this pickup is either a C3-B8, a C3-C8 or a C3-D8, depending on the payload.

There are 3 wheelbases for these pickups: 108"/2.74 m (½-ton B-108 only), 116"/2.95 m (½-ton B-116, ¾-ton C-116 and 1-ton D-116) and 126"/3.20 m (1-ton D-126 only):
[Image: 5569305303_dff5570227_n.jpg] [Image: 1954-55-dodgec1-bcd-116-pickuprs-h213.jpg] [Image: 1955-dodgec3-d-126-pickupls-h213.jpg]
(108" wheelbase // 116" wb // 126 wb)

"Ours" seems to have the medium (116") wheelbase, so it could be either a ½-ton C3-B8-116, a ¾-ton C3-C8-116 or a 1-ton C3-D8-116. Let's keep it as a generic C-3 ;)
(C-3 with an hyphen for consistency with the similar trucks already identified in the IMCDb)

⇒ 1955 Dodge C-3

-- Last edit: 2015-02-22 14:34:44

DidierF FR

2015-02-22 22:38

Rhâââââ… ♪ C'est si bon…

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