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Bedford M-Type

Bedford M-Type in The Red Shoes, Movie, 1948 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: UK

Bedford M-Type

[*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


andrepa DE

2015-11-23 03:14

Bedford OY again ? the one on the corner of course cab is different with forward slanted windscreen like some CMP

-- Last edit: 2015-11-23 03:16:24

Sunbar UK

2015-11-23 15:06

Not OY but Bedford OWL with twin rear wheels, I guess the cab could be normal but with the roof (or roof rack) extended to carry more load.


2015-11-23 15:55

The nearest one in the row of trucks parked alongside the side of that building, right?

Sunbar UK

2015-11-23 16:21

Yes, the correct one is high-lighted.


2015-11-23 17:23

This /vehicle_865757-Bedford-OWL.html is now listed as a Beford OWL. Is there anything is this picture that's identifiable?

Sunbar UK

2015-11-23 21:31

The Bedford OWL is the most visible and readily identified I think. I would stay with it.

[Image: redshoes.1.jpg]

The others have far less detail and not in anyway certain for identification.
1. Bedford O-type
2. Karrier Cob mechanical horse perhaps (a long shot but would be very interesting) edit: Karrier replaced Commer.
3. Bedford M-type
4. Fordson Thames 7V van perhaps (another long shot).
5. Commer Superpoise (I thought originally a Bedford M-type)?
6. Morris-Commercial CV.
7. Another Bedford OWL.

-- Last edit: 2015-11-23 22:16:41


2015-11-25 16:04

But 1 star vehicles of the same make & model should be grouped together. So which of those other 7 IDs is probably most accurate?

Sunbar UK

2015-11-25 17:21

Bedford M-type.

Its well visible and no doubt of its identification. I will change the listing.

For future reference...
It is unfortunate that what I believe to be a Karrier Cob 'mechanical horse' is not more visible we don't appear to have one on imcdb yet. I see that normal horse-power was still common in 1948 at Covent Garden, so the Karrier Cob could be used to move horse wagons around when required, or make local deliveries.

Another Karrier Cob at a GWR railway goods yard, in a similar situation.
[Image: cob.jpg]

dsl SX

2015-11-25 17:45

Why not create a page for the Karrier Cob, so that we have one for reference along with your added info/GWR picture??

Sunbar UK

2015-11-25 18:46

Yes, despite the small size, I think the Karrier Cob deserves to be remembered and it could help to identify another if one surfaced again in the future.

Pierre EN

2016-05-06 22:28

Not much wrong with your eyesight, Sunbar. I wouldn't have found the M-type in a month of Sundays without the aid of your numbers key.

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