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1911 Schneider PB2 (16+19)

1911 Schneider PB2 in Un long dimanche de fiançailles, Movie, 2004 IMDB

Class: Bus, Single-deck — Model origin: FR

1911 Schneider PB2 (16+19)

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle



2005-07-29 12:52

autobus circulant dans les rues de Paris en 1903

MrCadillac SX

2005-08-03 08:33

Ce genre d'autobus parisien (plateforme AR en plein air) circulait encore dans les rues de Paris dans les années '50. Môme, je l'empruntais souvent pour me rendre chez ma grand-mère, à Clamart, en 1946-47.

sixcyl FR

2005-09-23 13:05

Schneider? De Dion Bouton?, Renault...? seul une vue de face pourrait l' indiquer, car les plateformes arrières de ces bus parisiens (répondant au même cahiers des charges) étaient assez proche d' un constructeur à l' autre...
Les Panhard sont arrivés après la première guerre mondiale je crois, donc ce n' en est sans doute pas un.

ArnaultL FR

2005-11-11 12:02

J'en ai vu un dans le même style a la manif d'ancienne du lac de Madine en Lorraine.

C'etait un Berliet je crois... faut que je fouille dans les photos...

yoda_57 FR

2005-11-11 12:50

Tiens, un Lorrain :)

sixcyl FR

2006-02-11 09:09

Quote J'en ai vu un dans le même style a la manif d'ancienne du lac de Madine en Lorraine.

C'etait un Berliet je crois... faut que je fouille dans les photos...

...a ma connaissance, il n' y a jamais eu de Berliet pour ce type de bus , seuls De Dion, Schneider, Renault ou Panhard ont servis de bases

ArnaultL FR

2006-02-11 11:05

Un immigré au Lux ;)

SixCyl : Renault alors (celui que j'ai vu) DeDion, ça m'aurais plus frappé. Panhard, idem. Schneider, je ne me souviens pas, ça aurais plus retenu mon attention.

Renault, why not ?

sixcyl FR

2006-02-11 11:33

Briatore parle de l' année 1903, mais ça me turlupine.. car les engins de la CGO de cette époque avaient une plateforme moins intégrée aux flancs de la carrosserie et des liserés décoratifs sur les panneaux. Cette photo ne serait-elle pas plutot post-WW1?

Junkman UK

2006-04-04 01:04

I think it's simply a Renault TN-Series.

sixcyl FR

2006-04-04 08:12

Not obviously a TN series, because TN had not such straight beadings on the sides... so we should look for former types of parisian buses

-- Last edit: 2006-04-04 08:12:43

Junkman UK

2006-04-04 10:02

Is none of our French contributors able to identify a Paris City Bus?????

antp BE

2006-04-04 10:26

As said in French above, the rear of these bus was standard and nearly the same for all makes :/

sixcyl FR

2006-04-04 13:26

antp wrote As said in French above, the rear of these bus was standard and nearly the same for all makes :/

I think our friend Junkman forgot this annoying détail ;)

Junkman UK

2006-04-04 13:56

I don't understand French.

sixcyl FR

2006-04-04 13:58

... nobody is perfect! :D (joke)


2006-04-04 16:58

Well, doesn't this thing in the picture seem like a cable-car and not a motor vehicle??? I'd guess it is a cable-car/rail bus from around the 1900s and not American because America basically used more Electric Engines then cable cars. Plus I've never heard of a bus that looks like this.

sixcyl FR

2006-04-21 23:04

here are some examples of Schneider H bus or Renault PN, but none of them match exactly
Link to ""
Link to ""

sixcyl FR

2006-04-22 15:42

I'm getting close to the truth about it. First: it's either a 1911/1914 Schneider PB2 of CGO (Compagnie Générale des Omnibus)or a 1911/1914 De Dion-Bouton DA of same CGO.
In each case: same types of lateral windows divided in 2 (small upper part), same lateral straight beadings upon rear wheel passage, rear line identification upon the roof... all these characteristics are among those of Schneider and DeDion of that time, and not any other previous/post-productions parisians bus (Brillet-Schneider/Schneider H,Renault PN or TN) which were rather differents on tha details...
Now, looking at these 2 types of buses:
There were:
==>2 types of Schneider PB2:
-16+19 = 16 first class seats with 2 large windows + 19 second class seats with 3 smaller windows (on rear part of the body)
-12+23 = 12 first class seats with 1 lorge windows + 23 second class seats with 5 smaller windows
==>Only one type of De Dion Bouton DA
-31 seats, with a large window (1st class area)behind driver cab, and 4 small windows (2nd class)on the rear part of the body.
Now, let's have a look at this picture:
Though the difficult angle of view, we can count 3 small windows, then a larger window on the right side of this unfortunate bus==> Conclusion IT IS a Schneider PB2 (16+19) of 1911, operated by CGO :)

I've got some picture with me here in Lyon, but the scan is out of service. I'll make a scan later

Bebert FR

2006-04-22 16:54

Chapeau bas, mister Sixcyl ! :king:

Alexander DE

2006-04-22 17:43

[Image: clap2.gif]

sixcyl FR

2006-04-23 00:22

Danke,merci,thank you,gracias, en esperanto, comment on dit?
...for the sake of french contributors honor :lol:

fsebus FR

2008-08-07 22:08

Il s'agit bien d'un SCHNEIDER PB2 de la CGO (1911)
Celui-ci est tombé dans la Seine (Pont de l' Archevêché) le 27 sept. 1911 sur la ligne G

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