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Die Geschichte der Deutschen Eisenbahn, Mini-Series, 2000

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Weasel1984 PL

2006-11-11 22:08

No cars in the first part of film.

The Rocket of Mr Stephenosn:
[Image: rocketsm4.3610.jpg]

And now the topic of the movie - German railways:
Der Adler, its cars and another engine from the ~same period:
[Image: adler1gy6.9704.jpg] [Image: adler2zq6.2851.jpg] [Image: adler3rc8.913.jpg] [Image: unsh3.9182.jpg]

1935 BR05 001 (Borsig) and ca. 1935 SVT 137:
[Image: 1935br05001byborsignp0.7773.jpg] [Image: ca1935svt137ru2.1269.jpg]

Seems a BR03.10 (or maybe BR01) with incomplete streamlined casing and BR03 001:
[Image: br0110or03101kn8.8139.jpg] [Image: br0110or03102bw2.9189.jpg] [Image: br03001zv9.6218.jpg]

Engines of DR:
- BR44, 01 and the special 02 0201-0 for the testing of new carriages:
[Image: br44ih6.889.jpg] [Image: br0105rh6.3913.jpg] [Image: br0202010cf2.3570.jpg]
- V200/BR120, 132 'Ludmilla', 118:
[Image: br120v200gq0.3350.jpg] [Image: br132ludmillatm3.2195.jpg] [Image: br118ol0.1255.jpg]
- E18, E42, BR250, BR243:
[Image: e18gh3.2363.jpg] [Image: e42ow0.1061.jpg] [Image: br250ub4.4005.jpg] [Image: br24319845xz1.931.jpg]

Engines, trains of DB:
[Image: kolnuj6.1862.jpg]
- TEE and V200:
[Image: tee1oj0.3778.jpg] [Image: tee2tr1.7947.jpg] [Image: v200vz4.4664.jpg]
- E10 139, E10 348 (known later as BR110?) and BR103:
[Image: e10e40nl8.3530.jpg] [Image: dbe10br110kn9.682.jpg] [Image: br1031sj9.6039.jpg]
- ICE:
[Image: icewz6.5024.jpg]

Well it is possible that I've mixed something. :D

-- Last edit: 2007-10-03 23:45:56

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