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Mesélő cégtáblák: Az Ikarus, Documentary, 1998

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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sixcyl FR

2008-11-09 20:58

Very interesting uncommon pictures [Image: 0060.gif]

Weasel1984 PL

2008-11-09 21:10

[Image: 0tytjl1.6402.jpg] [Image: 0tyt1py2.6139.jpg] [Image: 0tyt2lv9.4635.jpg]
I found this film by chance, even if I don't understand the Hungarian language* it was interesting to watch it. :D
I guess it was some series of TV documentaries under one title "Mesélo cégtáblák" and only one part refered to Ikarus or cars in general, so maybe it is better to list it this way - as one film than as episode of the series.

*Thats a reason why I didn't provide stars for some vehicles (and in case of a few I guessed a bit :p ).

[Image: 0fabwq5.796.jpg] [Image: 0fab1al4.2158.jpg]

[Image: 0albunrd7.8036.jpg] [Image: 0albun1pn8.688.jpg] [Image: 0albun2ht7.3190.jpg]

Nice scale models:
[Image: 0modeleoz8.1816.jpg] [Image: 0modele1zy8.7052.jpg] [Image: 0modele2ap4.3932.jpg]
This can be Mavag N26, I guess:
[Image: mavagn26wu9.2134.jpg]

[Image: 0budtramhp4.8370.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-05-21 13:49:42

Weasel1984 PL

2008-11-09 21:11

How about the models sixcyl? ;)

sixcyl FR

2008-11-09 21:38

waoo! superbs indeed!!! [Image: 0057.gif]

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-11-09 22:58

I want those huge scale model buses!! :wow:

garco NL

2008-11-10 10:14

Models? Where? Do you mean the old guys??

Nice buses anyway! :king:

Weasel1984 PL

2008-11-11 21:15

garco wrote Models? Where? Do you mean the old guys??

Well if you are interpreting this in such way... :D Seems, like we say, "I baked two roasts on the same fire". ;)

-- Last edit: 2008-11-11 21:22:01

tibi HU

2012-07-24 20:26

The title has to be corrected!

Mesélő cégtáblák: Az Ikarus.

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