
Last completed movie pages

London Airport - Heathrow 1940s to 1970s, UK Documentary, 2019

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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antp BE

2020-05-20 08:28

This has nothing to do here :/
As you like to post things outside guidelines (which would never be accepted if they had to be validated), can you at least post info about it since it is not on IMDb?

sixcyl FR

2020-05-20 22:32

[Image: 087.jpg]
From the DVD

In the same serie than:

-- Last edit: 2020-05-21 16:27:24

dsl SX

2020-05-20 23:56

@sixcyl - I bet you'll have a jolly time putting everything on impdb ......

sixcyl FR

2020-05-21 10:12

Do you think? :) :lol:

-- Last edit: 2020-05-21 14:03:55

sixcyl FR

2020-05-21 15:14

[Image: vlcsnap-2020-05-12-20h53m42s909.jpg]

Background vehicles.

Austin/Morris 1100
[Image: aus1100aa.5.jpg] [Image: aus1100ba.1.jpg]

Austin A35 behind the Minor
[Image: ausa35aa.2.jpg]

Unidentified Minibus on the left
[Image: busca.9.jpg]

Another Minibus on the left behind a VW LT typ28.
[Image: vwltaa.1.jpg]

Very blurry bus
[Image: busga.1.jpg] [Image: busgb.1.jpg]

In the left, nice Burgundy colour: Bedford SB Duple Vega?
[Image: busia.jpg]

2 coach buses in the background.
[Image: busja.jpg]

Unidentified Bus.
[Image: buska.jpg]

Bus very far background.
[Image: buspa.jpg]

Bus on the right.
[Image: busuv.jpg]

Semi-trailer busses of the 70's.
[Image: bussemila.jpg] In the background [Image: estja.jpg]

Shell tanker lorry.
[Image: citaa.6.jpg] [Image: karbanaa.jpg]

Shell-BP semitrailer tanker on the right background, AEC?
[Image: citda.jpg]

Esso semi-trailer tanker.
[Image: citga.jpg]

Very blurry semi-trailer tanker , Esso very likely?
[Image: citqa.jpg]

Estate car on the right.
[Image: estca.jpg]

Yellow estate in the background.
[Image: estea.1.jpg]

Blue white estate or wagon in the foreground.
[Image: estga.1.jpg]

Red/White estate.
[Image: estia.jpg]

Blue estate in the background, Vauxhall?
[Image: estja.jpg]

Bedford HA.
[Image: estka.jpg]

Fiat 600 foreground down.
[Image: fia600aa.10.jpg]

Ford Anglia 100E
[Image: forangha.jpg]

Ford Consul MkII behind the Super Minx on the left.
[Image: forconaa.2.jpg]

Ford Granada MkI in the background.
[Image: forgraaa.4.jpg]

Thames Trader foreground right.
[Image: forthaaa.1.jpg]

Ford Transit MkI red/white.
[Image: fortranaa.1.jpg]

2 x Ford Transit MkI white.
[Image: fortranba.jpg]

Commer Minibus BF
[Image: forzepaa.2.jpg]

Ford Zephyr MkIII
[Image: forzepab.1.jpg]
Another one
[Image: forzepba.jpg]

Vauxhall Cresta 1966 on the left.
[Image: forzepca.jpg] [Image: forzepcb.jpg]

Black Jaguar MkVII or Mk.IX.
[Image: jagbc.jpg]

Black limousine in the background behind the Sunbeam. Vanden Plas Princess?
[Image: limoaa.5.jpg]

Lorry in tne foreground, Bedford?
[Image: loraa.1.jpg]

johnfromstaffs EN

2020-05-21 15:41

Not Cresta, Victor FC101.

Limousine is big Daimler, can’t do better than that.

sixcyl FR

2020-05-21 16:10

Lorry in the middle, a Bedford?
[Image: lorsb.jpg]

Lorry on the left.
[Image: lorda.1.jpg]

On the left, very likely another Karrier Bantal Flatbed luggage lorry.
[Image: lorea.1.jpg]

Green lorry.
[Image: lorfa.jpg]

Blue lorry van with white roof.
[Image: lorlb.1.jpg]

Foreground grey/white van or bus? Commer BF?
[Image: loroa.jpg]

Lorry on the right.
[Image: lorta.1.jpg]

Blue lorry.
[Image: lorwa.1.jpg]

Lorry on the right.
[Image: lorxa.jpg]

British Airways van.
[Image: lorzaa.jpg]

Minibus yellow.
[Image: minbusla.jpg]

Morris Minor 1958
[Image: morminaa.3.jpg] [Image: morminbb.jpg] [Image: morminca.jpg]

Morris Minor Van.
[Image: morminda.jpg]

Morris Minor Convertible.
[Image: mormincabaa.jpg]

Rover 3L P5 on the left foreground.
[Image: rovba.jpg]

Sedan on the right, Morris Minor?
[Image: sedab.17.jpg]

Light grey car.
[Image: sedca.9.jpg]

Vauxhall Velox on the left.
[Image: sedea.9.jpg]

In the foreground right, Jaguar Mk.I ?
[Image: sedfb.5.jpg]

Black car in the middle.
[Image: sedhc.2.jpg]

Car in the right.
[Image: sedia.2.jpg]

Humber Hawk in behind the Vauxhall.
[Image: sedla.3.jpg] [Image: sedlb.1.jpg]

Black car in the foreground.
[Image: sedma.1.jpg]

Sunbeam Rapier Series III on the right.
[Image: sunrapaa.jpg]

BEA luggages tractor in the foregrund.
[Image: tracda.jpg]

Unidentified aircraft tractor in the foreground left.
[Image: tracea.jpg]

Aircraft tractor.
[Image: tracfa.jpg]

Yellow, a Land-Rover 88''?
[Image: tracha.jpg]

On the left, Bus or Van?
[Image: vanaa.10.jpg]

Light van on the right.
[Image: vanga.jpg]

Light van , Commer FC and Walk thru?
[Image: vanga.jpg]

Yellow in the background.
[Image: vanoa.jpg]

Volkswagen Typ1 on the left.
[Image: vwaa.15.jpg]

Volkswagen T1 Transporter on the right.
[Image: vanfa.jpg]

[Image: vwt1aa.7.jpg] [Image: vwt1ab.4.jpg]
[Image: vwt1ba.3.jpg]
[Image: vwba.16.jpg]
Volkswagen T1 Bus on the left.
[Image: vwt1ca.jpg]

Sunbar UK

2020-05-22 15:19

Lorry in the middle, a Bedford? - Bedford A type

Lorry on the left. - Bedford O-type perhaps

On the left, very likely another Karrier Bantal Flatbed luggage lorry. - Commer Karrier of some sort so yes Bantam perhaps

Green lorry. - Morris LC4 or 5?

Blue lorry van with white roof. - TK generator truck BEA again

Foreground grey/white van or bus? Commer BF? yes

Lorry on the right. - Karrier Bantam probably

Blue lorry. - Ford perhaps

Lorry on the right. - unknown

British Airways van. - Some sort of LHD half-cab baggage loader?

Minibus yellow. - Commer BF perhaps?

Sedan on the right, Morris Minor? yes

Light grey car. - Austin A55?

On the left, Bus or Van? - Commer Commando probably?
edit: Confirmed as 1946 Commer Commando BOAC 1½ Deck Airport Bus by Park Royal [Q4]

Yellow in the background. - Commer FC, PB?

-- Last edit: 2020-05-22 20:43:34

Sunbar UK

2020-05-22 21:36

Background vehicles. (first group)

Unidentified Minibus on the left - Commer/Karrier BF [98A] Reading body

2 coach buses in the background. - Bedfords SB & VAL

Semi-trailer busses of the 70's. - Leyland Laird or Boxer tractor trailer Airport Apron Bus

Shell tanker lorry. - Another Leyland Hippo?

Shell-BP semitrailer tanker on the right background, AEC? - yes probably

Yellow estate in the background. - Bedford HA Van with windows

Lorry in the foreground, Bedford? - yes Bedford A type tipper.

sixcyl FR

2020-06-13 13:50

Sunbar :king:
Thank you.

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