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一個好人 (Mr. Nice Guy), HK Movie, 1997 IMDB

Pictures provided by: antp, Sunbar, Robi, JB, MisterZ, rockstarnorth225

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Also known as:

  • Yat goh ho yan (transliterated)
  • Un sacré bon gars (Canada)
  • Terč (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Mister Cool (France)

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Comments about this movie

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2005-07-11 22:43

Not a really bad movie.

But why the Hell they had to destroy so many nice cars, such as the BMW, Mercedes, Lamborghini, Porsche and Rolls-Royce???

I Wouldn't mind of destroying the Cadillac, the Lincoln, the Mustang or the Ford Torino, but why the heck those Idiots had to destroy nice European cars?!:(


antp BE

2005-07-11 23:47

Yes the movie was nice until this final scene :(

mc leod

2005-10-11 17:07

ouais bof, la lambo c'est une réplique, la rolls c'est qu'une banale auto utilisé en stock-cars aux states (si j'ai une preuve !) la porsche, la bmw, la merco, la cad, boooof ultra courante et de toute façon ce ne sont que des épaves repeintent, sont pas bete à ce point quand meme alors pas de quoi pleurer.

antp BE

2005-10-11 17:52

En Grande-Bretagne aussi ils utilisent des Rolls en stock-car :D


2005-11-21 18:50

There is also a white Ford Falcon EF. I think that's the correct name.

Jaqob P. NL

2006-07-19 11:53

ANYBODY who tries to destroy that Mustang got a problem with me!

antp BE

2007-10-03 15:24

It seems that I really missed many cars when I first uploaded pictures for this movie :think: Well it was at the time when only few main cars were mentioned :D

Sunbar UK

2007-10-03 16:18

It was the unusual chase with the Bedford CF van that made me take notice of this movie..... ;)

Also I haven't made a record of the number that were actually destroyed, but it must be the most destructive movie for me to date.

antp BE

2007-10-03 18:01

You haven't seen "The Junkman" then :D

-- Last edit: 2007-10-03 18:01:58

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-10-03 18:02

He definetly has not :p

Sunbar UK

2007-10-03 20:56

......when I said "it must be the most destructive movie for me to date" I should have qualified that by saying "for movies that I have supplied pictures for on IMCDb". ;)

Movie completed anyway.... :)

[Image: cap050a3jq1.6030.jpg] [Image: cap050a2kd1.3649.jpg] [Image: cap050a1dn3.3697.jpg]

Plenty of background vehicles that have not been listed..... an example....

[Image: cap078tv6.5459.jpg]


The End.....

[Image: cap051xz1.9365.jpg]

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-10-03 23:32

Are there any chases in this one?

Sunbar UK

2007-10-05 14:19

No real car chases. A lot of escaping, firstly in the Ford Mustang, on foot and in a horse-drawn carriage. Also a capture using the Bedford CF van. Then the police try to locate the kidnappers by using unmarked police cars and the Iveco van.

rjluna2 US

2007-10-13 23:12

After what he has done with those beautiful cars, we should retitled as "No More Mr. Nice Guy". >-D

Red Grant US

2007-12-13 21:42

carchasesfanatic wrote Are there any chases in this one?

There's also a scene were Jackie runs over several exotic cars that the bad guy owned with a giant dump truck.

jpts AU

2015-10-14 13:43

Filmed in the city of Melbourne and the surrounding seaside suburbs in the state of Victoria and in the Hunter Valley region in the state of New South Wales.

BlaringCoder CZ

2017-04-24 17:34

Czech title: Terč

antp BE

2017-07-06 21:32

Pictures replaced by HD captures from MisterZ

rockstarnorth225 PH

2019-12-31 18:30

Im adding the rest for Uncut version:
[Image: img_6743.jpg]

rockstarnorth225 PH

2019-12-31 19:28

Movie completed.

Baube QC

2020-01-01 10:44

" Un sacré bon gars " for Canada

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