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The Butler, Movie, 2013 IMDB

Pictures provided by: police car fan

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Also known as:

  • The butler. Un maggiordomo alla Casa Bianca (Italy)

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police car fan NL

2013-05-31 20:23

[Image: snap22.4.jpg]

I sure want to see this movie. :)

police car fan NL

2014-02-14 18:20

[Image: snap83.9.jpg]

Done. :)

jpts AU

2015-10-02 07:37

This film is based on the life of Eugene Allen who worked as a butler in the White House from 1952 to 1986.

It also deals with events that occurred in the Civil Rights Movement, these were:

The Little Rock Nine - The use of federal troops to desegregate the Little Rock Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas to allow nine African-American students to enroll in September 1957.

The Nashville Sit-in - A series of non-violent campaigns of sitting at diners in Nashville, Tennessee to desegregate lunch counters in 1960.

The Birmingham Arson Attack on the Freedom Riders - The fire bombing of the Freedom Riders' bus in Birmingham, Alabama committed by the Eastview Klavern 13 (the most violent branch of the KKK in Alabama) on the 14th May 1961.

The Birmingham Campaign - The mass civil rights protest and violence in Birmingham, Alabama, lasting from 3rd April to the 10th May 1963.

The Mississippi Civil Rights Workers' Murders - The lynching and murders of three civil rights workers on the outskirts of Philadelphia in Neshoba County, Mississippi by members of The Mississippi White Knights of the KKK on the night of the 21st June 1964.

-- Last edit: 2022-08-31 11:08:40

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