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Unser Auto wird 100, Documentary, 1985 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Bonnascope

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Also known as:

  • 100 years of automobile
  • 100 años del automóvil (Spain)
  • Auto 100 vuotta (Finland)

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Comments about this movie

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See the 7 comments from this page that were archived


Raul1983 FI

2010-04-14 21:04

Ah, memories. I have all episodes in VHS and as a child I watched them over and over again. I think I still remember every scene. Thank you Bonnascope for these pictures.

Bonnascope ES

2010-04-15 14:10

Do you really got all the episodes? I just got 6 of them and I been looking for them all since the first day, cause my grandfather recorded them back in 1987. In what language do you have it? You got in PAL or SECAM?

Raul1983 FI

2010-04-15 14:19

I'm not entirely sure I have all the episodes but at least 10. I remember one episode which wasn't recorded and I'm still mad about it. Actually I think it was a live show with audience and special guests. Several cars (old and new) were driven to the stage one at a time. I was told it was too long to capture it on VHS tape. My memory is very vague as I was only three years old at that time.

Unfortunately the episodes I have are dubbed in Finnish. I think it's a PAL system because our tape recorder was a Blaupunkt (my father used to work for Blaupunkt then).

Bonnascope ES

2010-04-16 02:46

I just got episodes 1, 2 (missing the beginning), 3, 4, 6 and 12. I pass them from VHS to DVD.
I even create a YOUTUBE accound just for them:
Here I don't know if I could find the others. They must still on the TV archives... but I'm not so "known" for asking for them... I know cause I already try... xD
Can you upload them in some place? I'll love to see them again... I don't care if I don't understand them.

Raul1983 FI

2010-04-16 08:55

Before you created this page I never knew what was the name of this series; I had only the Finnish name 'Auto 100 vuotta'. In the episode there was hardly any information. Now that I know what it is called I could try uploading pictures / transfer to DVD. But I don't know how to move content from VHS to DVD :(

That is a nice channel you have in Youtube!

-- Last edit: 2010-04-16 08:59:07

Bonnascope ES

2010-05-20 22:30

If somebody still have this documentary, please tell me, I've been looking for the missing episodes for years.

vectorfiles DE

2010-11-09 07:22

I am still looking for the episode with the VECTOR W2.
Could you contact me please at:

I collect all video material of the VECTOR.

Bonnascope ES

2011-07-03 12:45

I included the series in Filmaffinity:
He incluido la serie en Filmaffinity:


2011-10-30 22:00

@ Bonnascope: como se hace para incluir series/peliculas en filmaffinity?

Bonnascope ES

2011-11-12 13:05

Gomselmash11 wrote @ Bonnascope: como se hace para incluir series/peliculas en filmaffinity?

Ok, te comento. En la web en la columna de la izquierda, abajo del todo pone "Contacto", te lleva a otra pagina donde te pregunta que quieres añadir, y vas a "Sugerir película". Ahí luego no basta solo con decirles el titulo, para facilitarles el trabajo, tienes que rellenarles esta ficha con todos los datos:

Título Original:
Título español:
Géneros / Topics:
Link a
Link al Cartel:

Y después esperar a que reciban el mensaje y te contesten. ;)


2011-11-12 17:09

Buenisimo, voy a intentar de agregar algo y te comento... Gracias

Igna BO

2012-02-08 15:56

Great presentation!!! I also recorded it when I was a kid.

Bonnascope ES

2013-05-12 18:18

igna wrote Great presentation!!! I also recorded it when I was a kid.

You still got the tapes?
¿Sigues teniendo las cintas?

Bonnascope ES

2014-04-28 23:28

igna wrote Great presentation!!! I also recorded it when I was a kid.

Sigues teniendo las cintas originales?
Contestame pronto, por favor. ;)

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