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Sanitka, TV Series, 1984 IMDB

Pictures provided by: wickey

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Also known as:

  • The Ambulance

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Comments about this movie

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wickey SK

2010-07-01 17:51

[Image: sanitka1dilac3dvdripond.4319.jpg]

wickey SK

2010-07-11 00:32

all 11 episodes completed

Skodafan CZ

2010-07-18 23:49

I remember, that two cars were involved in a small crash in this series. If I remember well, the red Simca left the car park touching the VW Bug. It was only a very short scene.

bondziu PL

2012-08-07 23:32

There still are quite a few vehicles missing, e.g. the Tatra 148 CAS 32 from ep. 11

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