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Seconds to Spare, Movie, 2002 IMDB

Pictures provided by: garco

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garco NL

2006-08-28 17:50

[Image: helicopter003115gy4.3201.jpg][Image: train002112fc2.9585.jpg][Image: train002852vs7.8536.jpg]
[Image: train004506kc5.2146.jpg][Image:][Image: train003039xf2.1490.jpg]

garco NL

2006-08-28 21:39

[Image: unknown000512mj6.989.jpg]

I don't know if this pickup is worth listing.

antp BE

2006-08-28 23:55

It is an alternative title I guess

Alexander DE

2006-08-29 00:00

garco wrote ... I don't know if this pickup is worth listing.

I think it is a Toyota Land Cruiser [J7] (1984).

ProwlerX US

2006-08-29 01:59

LH2 wrote is there any car chases at the beginning.

Just what I was about to ask.

garco NL

2006-08-29 06:00

Nope, no car chases at the beginning, only the Ultima. /vehicle_49711-Ultima-GTR.html
Only some action scenes with the Holden chasing the Land Cruiser, but they are both policecars, so that doesn't count...

-- Last edit: 2006-08-29 14:44:45

garco NL

2006-08-31 05:59

LH2 wrote is that all the outback sand thats on the police cars

I don't know exactely what you mean...

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