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Los Camioneros, TV Series, 1973 IMDB

Pictures provided by: CarChasesFanatic, vilero, pedro_94

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Comments about this movie

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Weasel1984 PL

2007-11-17 16:27

Together with these /movie_1004509204-Barreiros.html you've made very interesting collection of pics CCF. :king:

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-18 20:28

;) im glad you like it

carobserver MX

2007-11-19 23:44

Y tambien dicen muchas groserias los camioneros ? :whistle:

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-19 23:44

no se pues? :p

carobserver MX

2007-11-19 23:46

Porque dicen que los camioneros son malahablados :whistle:

antp BE

2007-11-22 16:53

Carchasesfanatic > seeing quality of latest pictures, it would be better to reduce them a little (e.g. 640x480) but compress also a little less, thus giving same file size for better quality.
(720px wide is usually for dvd-quality picture, but here they seem to come from a "bad" source)

-- Last edit: 2007-11-22 16:54:14

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-22 16:54

what does "thus" mean? ive seen it writen many times but dont know its meaning

antp BE

2007-11-22 16:56

"therefore", "in this way"

-- Last edit: 2007-11-22 16:56:30

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-22 17:00

ok ill resize the next ones :)


2007-11-22 20:20

Nice cars!

sixcyl FR

2007-11-22 23:43

nice set of spannish lorries ! :)

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-22 23:47

Thanks you two and theres more to add yet!! ;)

carobserver MX

2007-11-23 03:58

carchasesfanatic wrote Thanks you two and theres more to add yet!! ;)

We will be waiting ;)

JavierDiesel ES

2007-12-21 11:38

Fantastic work, this is my all-time favourite series. Congratulations!

vilero ES

2010-07-06 18:55

Updated this classic spanish TV Series with 44 new pictures from Episodes 6 to 13, what makes this TV Series completed...well, some backgrounds have been skipped.

Episode Guide 6 to 13:
6.- Ruta bajo la nieve de enero; 7.- Quince toneladas de madera y una mujer; 8.- Lejos del punto de partida; 9.- La izquierda de un campeón solitario; 10.- Somos jóvenes y podemos esperar; 11.- Ida y vuelta por el mismo camino; 12.- Con los indios en el desierto and 13.- La escapada de un viejo corredor.

[Image: 250780-2.jpg] [Image: 250782-1.jpg] [Image: 250783-1.jpg]

[Image: 250784-3.jpg] [Image: 250785-1.jpg] [Image: 250786-1.jpg]

[Image: 250787-1.jpg] [Image: 250788-1.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2010-07-06 18:58:31

JavierDiesel ES

2012-11-03 00:59

Sadly, Sancho Gracia, the main character (Paco) in the series, died recently. Great actor and more so a great person.

That was the unforgetable soundtrack of the series:

-- Last edit: 2020-12-18 13:51:59

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