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The Stone Carriers, Short Movie, 1982 IMDB

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dsl SX

2017-07-24 02:47

[Image: titlea.12.jpg] [Image: title.393.jpg]
17-minute film about stone, quarries, rocks, gravels, and aggregates taken from
[Image: dvdcovercompressedx3.jpg]
BFi/British Transport Films Volume 7: The Age of the Train 2-DVD set. Can be seen here, and it's quite interesting for what it is, although not a contender for anyone's bucket list.

One reject - an Ergomatic cab in a line of tippers
[Image: r11-27ergo.jpg]

An entry for imNewLivesForOldRailwayBridgesdb as a gravel conveyor track
[Image: rwaybrdge.jpg] [Image: rwaybrdgea.jpg]

jcb UK

2017-07-24 18:11

Aveling-Barford- Gone
Leyland- Gone
Stothert and Pitt- Gone
Scammell - Gone
Ford UK Trucks -Gone

-- Last edit: 2017-07-24 18:14:36

mike962 DE

2017-07-24 18:34

JCB wrote Aveling-Barford- Gone
Leyland- Gone
Stothert and Pitt- Gone
Scammell - Gone
Ford UK Trucks -Gone

so where this so called great british economy if nothing is build in UK anymore ?

the british army has to use German MAN trucks because no more britsh truck producers

-- Last edit: 2017-07-24 18:34:45

jcb UK

2017-07-24 20:38

Brings it home , Tarmac surfacing today are using Swedish Scania / Volvo Trucks , German Hamm rollers and Italian Bitelli Pavers ,

mike962 DE

2017-07-24 20:41

JCB wrote Brings it home , Tarmac surfacing today are using Swedish Scania / Volvo Trucks , German Hamm rollers and Italian Bitelli Pavers ,

you forgot mostly Liebherr excavators in Britain because Hymac and Priestmann are gone and supposedly JCB products recently suck

it's amaizing not too long ago the British Empire had nearly 1/3 of the habitable global territory and population and now they may be incapable to hold an Island together if Scotland brake away, nevermind having an actual industry

-- Last edit: 2017-07-24 20:43:08

cl82 DE

2017-07-24 20:45

@Mike: To answer your question: British economy is quite alive and kicking, nowadays -in these dark times of neoliberalism - mainly consisting of financial services (banks, stock exchange, insurance companies etc.). Much more lucrative than manufacturing..

mike962 DE

2017-07-24 20:47

yes but those things aren't helpful for the average Joe and if God forbid a war brakes out you really need HARDWARE, without factories you can't have hardware

France , Germany etc were much more smarter, they kept their industrial infrastructure much more intact

-- Last edit: 2017-07-24 20:47:31

cl82 DE

2017-07-24 21:28

No need to worry; "key industries" have survived quite well: Link to ""

Sunbar UK

2017-07-24 21:29

cl82 wrote @Mike: To answer your question: British economy is quite alive and kicking, nowadays -in these dark times of neoliberalism - mainly consisting of financial services (banks, stock exchange, insurance companies etc.). Much more lucrative than manufacturing..

As a result Britain has a extremely unbalanced economy which concentrates on the City of London's financial centre to the exclusion of manufacturing and industry.

Other than a few isolated examples of high-tech or aerospace industries I believe UK manufacturing has been starved of investment as the goal of short term gains has seen long term investments outside of London as unnecessary, or not worthwhile.

dsl SX

2017-07-25 00:27

mike962 wrote France, Germany etc were much more smarter, they kept their industrial infrastructure much more intact

Agree. I often had the impression that they'd provide support/loans/cash injections when their industries needed and then afterwards apply for EU approval and argue the toss when it was too late for EU to refuse or do anything more than slap wrists. UK governments instead refused to provide state aid in case it might breach EU guidelines without ever testing the system.

rtsbusman1997 US

2017-07-25 03:25

Didn't the UK stop largely manufacturing vehicles and what not because once the markets opened up, everybody went to the cheaper (sometimes in quality as well) French and German products? So it made more sense to just import stuff than make their own stuff?

jcb UK

2017-07-25 07:53

The UK had a Perfect storm of bad unions , bad government and bad management that killed Commercial Vehicle manufacturing , and shipbuilding and motorcycles etc etc.
The Continental trucks gained a solid foothold in the UK in the 1970s because they considered driver comfort , the Brit makers never thought about the poor prole who had to spend 50 hours a week in the cab .

If we take four products from 1963- Bedford TK trucks, Mini cars , Triumph Bonneville bikes , Land Rover 4x4s these were best in class on quality/design/price and we couldn't make enough of them to sell round the world.
Fast forward to 1973 and we were making almost exactly the same product sometimes poorly built and on long delivery times, the rest of the world moved in .

-- Last edit: 2017-07-25 08:39:58

Reg1992 US

2017-07-25 07:58

dsl SX

2017-07-25 12:24

^ great song.
"Black shadow of the Vincent
Falls on a Triumph line
I got my motorcycle jacket
But I'm walking all the time

cl82 DE

2017-07-25 19:01

:lol: :king:

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