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The Paper Lads, UK TV Series, 1977-1979 IMDB

Pictures provided by: JCB

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jcb UK

2024-03-23 09:09

Childrens TV Series that I never knew existed despite living in Tyne Tees area where it was shown.

Set deep in Geordie land ( Tyneside) with subtitles needed in some parts.

A gang of typical 70S kids ( paper lads and girls ) roam the grimy smokey car free terraced streets , shipyards, coal mines and docksides seeing and solving local crimes .

Their boss and leader is corner shop / newsagents owner , that archetypal Geordie man GLYN EDWARDS !
( Southerner famous for his Minder London barman role )
Obviously Alun Armstrong was busy :)

-- Last edit: 2024-03-23 10:07:16

jcb UK

2024-03-23 10:06

Pic quality not the best.
S1 complete S2 to follow.

jcb UK

2024-03-29 17:15

Mini Clubman Traveller and others
[Image: screenshot2024-03-23144407.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-03-29 17:26:16

jcb UK

2024-03-29 17:16

Peaking out behind the Avenger is a rare in Britain Peugeot 404 pick up with the enormous factory canvas tilt.
Do not recall ever seeing one at the time .
[Image: screenshot2024-03-23153104.jpg][Image: s-l1600z.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-03-29 17:20:04

jcb UK

2024-03-29 17:23

Alfa Romeo GTV
Our local garage owner had one in the seventies and I thought it very exotic !

[Image: screenshot2024-03-21191913.jpg]

jcb UK

2024-03-29 17:29

Beamish Museum car park.
Plenty of Datsuns which were selling like hot cakes in North East England in the 1970s.
Helped by being imported through Teesport at the time.

[Image: screenshot2024-03-23154821.jpg]
Hillman Imp , Morris? J2 camper etc

[Image: screenshot2024-03-23154615.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-03-31 07:35:21

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