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Orders Are Orders, Movie, 1954 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Sunbar

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Sunbar UK

2018-10-16 21:47

[Image: vlcsnap-00066.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-10-16 22:07:25

Sunbar UK

2018-10-19 13:25

Barely visible background trucks,

[Image: vlcsnap-00051.1.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-00087.jpg]
Fordson 7V truck? [*] and possibly another Bedford? [*] although it could be anything.

[Image: vlcsnap-00090.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-00089.jpg]
and a brief panning shot of another LHD (USA?) convertible [*][*]

plus another Humber added to the main listings from a brief scene.

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