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Suddenly, US Movie, 1954 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Wrenchhead, sixcyl, 130rapid

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Also known as:

  • Der Attentäter (Germany)
  • Je dois tuer (France)
  • Gangsters in agguato (Italy)
  • Nagle (Poland)

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Comments about this movie

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wrenchhead US

2006-02-11 19:47

Sorry for the poor quality. This old film is not in good shape.

MrCadillac SX

2006-02-11 22:21

Great movie. Great performance from a young, future mega-entertainer, Frank Sinatara. I saw the movie when it came out (shows you how old I am!). I wasn't interested in cars then, let alone Cadillacs. I only began to want a Cadillac ...the following year (1955) when I saw a National Geographic ad for the '56 Sedan de Ville !

sixcyl FR

2006-02-12 10:37

Interesting pictures Wrenchhead ;)

sixcyl FR

2006-10-09 23:57

few adds to wrenchead's pictures :)

[Image: police8he3.6614.jpg] [Image: train1ik2.2563.jpg]

130rapid PL

2023-03-17 18:02

Suddenly we've better pictures. :sun:
[Image: 00059title.jpg] [Image: suddenly.jpg]

130rapid PL

2023-03-17 21:42

LQ vehicles. Maybe something worth to add?
[Image: 00125blurry.jpg] [Image: 00204blurry.jpg] [Image: 00205blurry.jpg]
[Image: 00324pickup.jpg] [Image: 00325pickup.jpg] [Image: 00325pickupb.jpg]
[Image: 00343chevroletconvertible.jpg] [Image: 00344chevroletconvertible.jpg] [Image: 00807convertible.jpg]
[Image: 00645vehicles.jpg] [Image: 00807oldsedan.jpg] [Image: 01025blacktwo.jpg] [Image: 01208vehicles.jpg] [Image: 04221blurryvan.jpg]
[Image: 05358vehicles.jpg] [Image: 05400vehicles.jpg] [Image: 05400vehiclesb.jpg] [Image: 05401vehicles.jpg] [Image: 05414vehicles.jpg] [Image: 05454black.jpg] [Image: 05506truck.jpg] [Image: 05516truck.jpg] [Image: 05544vehicles.jpg] [Image: 05559truck.jpg] [Image: 05604truck.jpg] [Image: 05609truck.jpg] [Image: 05618truck.jpg] [Image: 05825oldie.jpg]

And nice convertible toy-model.
[Image: 00303convertiblemodel.jpg]

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