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Days of Wine and Roses, Movie, 1962 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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Also known as:

  • Stärker als alle Vernunft (Austria)
  • Vício Maldito (Brazil)
  • Die Tage des Weines und der Rosen (Germany)
  • Hektiske dage (Denmark)
  • Días de vino y rosas (Spain)
  • Viinin ja ruusujen aika (Finland)
  • Le jour du vin et des roses (France)
  • Meres krasiou kai louloudion (Greece)
  • I giorni del vino e delle rose (Italy)
  • Escravos do Vício (Portugal)
  • Dagen efter rosorna (Sweden)
  • Gül ve sarap (Türkiye)

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Comments about this movie

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sixcyl FR

2009-06-24 14:48

[Image: lejourduvinetdesroses.4958.jpg]

The story is about alcoholism... an alternative title could be "Days of Wine and Four Roses" :D

Lee Remick
[Image: combek.4854.jpg] [Image: combg.7939.jpg] [Image: combh.8501.jpg] [Image: combiv.2499.jpg]

"Poules de luxe" delivery for the millionnaire on his yacht
[Image: comab.382.jpg] [Image: comacd.6712.jpg] [Image: comadr.1104.jpg]
[Image: comcb.6941.jpg] [Image: comca.2941.jpg] [Image: comdd.6465.jpg] [Image:]

The yacht and the taxi
[Image: bateauba.9545.jpg] [Image: bateauaa.4467.jpg] [Image: bateauab.2064.jpg]

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