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Doctor Who, UK TV Series, 1963-1989 IMDB

Pictures provided by: G-MANN, stronghold, Bonnascope, kooshmeister, rjluna2, DocFox, Elyod, SM99, CRAFT372

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Also known as:

  • Doktor Who
  • Dr. Who
  • Docteur Who (France)
  • ドクター・フー (Japan)
  • Daktaras Kas (Lithuania)
  • Doctor Misterio (Mexico)
  • Доктор Ху (Serbia)
  • Доктор Кто (USSR)
  • Доктор Хто (Ukraine)
  • Classic Who (USA)

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2011-12-21 19:42

Episode Guide (including original BBC broadcast dates)

First Doctor (William Hartnell) era (1963-1966)
[Image: titleshartnell1_1.jpg] [Image: titleshartnell2_1.jpg] [Image: titleshartnell3_1.jpg]
1.01: An Unearthly Child (23 Nov 1963)
2.04 - 2.09: The Dalek Invasion of Earth (21 Nov - 26 Dec 1964)
3.26 - 3.29: The Ark (5 Mar - 26 Mar 1966)

Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) era (1966-1969)
6.11 - 6.18: The Invasion (2 Nov - 21 Dec 1968)

Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) era (1970-1974)
[Image: TitlesPertwee1_1.jpg] [Image: TitlesPertwee2_1.jpg] [Image: TitlesPertwee4_1.jpg]
7.01 - 7.04: Spearhead from Space (3 - 24 Jan 1970)
7.05 - 7.11: Doctor Who and the Silurians (31 Jan - 14 Mar 1970)
7.12 - 7.18: The Ambassadors of Death (21 Mar - 2 May 1970)
7.19 - 7.25: Inferno (9 May - 20 Jun 1970)
8.01 - 8.04: Terror of the Autons (2 - 23 Jan 1971)
8.11 - 8.14: The Claws of Axos (13 Mar - 3 Apr 1971)
8.15 - 8.20: Colony in Space (10 Apr - 15 May 1971)
8.21 - 8.25: The Dæmons (22 May - 19 Jun 1971)
9.01 - 9.04: Day of the Daleks (1 - 22 Jan 1972)
9.09 - 9.14: The Sea Devils (26 Feb - 1 Apr 1972)
10.21 - 10.26: The Green Death (19 May - 23 Jun 1973)
[Image: titlespertwee6_1.jpg] [Image: titlespertwee9_1.jpg] [Image: titlespertwee10_1.jpg] [Image: titlespertwee11_1.jpg]
11.05 - 11.10: Invasion of the Dinosaurs (12 Jan - 16 Feb 1974)
11.21 - 11.22: Planet of the Spiders: Part One & Two (4 - 11 May 1974)

Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) era (1974-1981)
[Image: TitlesTomBaker1_1.jpg] [Image: TitlesTomBaker2_1.jpg] [Image: TitlesTomBaker3_1.jpg] [Image: TitlesTomBaker4_1.jpg]
12.01 - 12.04: Robot (28 Dec 1974 - 18 Jan 1975)
12.11 - 12.16: Genesis of the Daleks (8 Mar - 12 Apr 1975)
13.01 - 13.04: Terror of the Zygons (30 Aug - 20 Sep 1975)
13.13 - 13.16: The Android Invasion (22 Nov - 13 Dec 1975)
13.21 - 13.26: The Seeds of Doom (31 Jan - 6 Mar 1976)
14.05 - 14.08: The Hand of Fear (2 - 23 Oct 1976)
15.13 - 15.16: The Sun Makers (26 Nov - 17 Dec 1977)
17.05 - 17.08: City of Death (29 Sep - 20 Oct 1979)
18.25 - 18.28: Logopolis (28 Feb - 21 Mar 1981)

Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) era (1982-1984)
[Image: titlesdavison1_1.jpg] [Image: titlesdavison3_1.jpg] [Image: titlesdavison5_1.jpg]
19.23 - 19.26: Time-Flight (22 - 30 Mar 1982)
20.01 - 20.04: Arc of Infinity (3 - 12 Jan 1983)
20.09 - 20.12: Mawdryn Undead (1 Feb - 9 Feb 1983)
20.23: The Five Doctors (25 Nov 1983)

Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker) era (1984-1986)
[Image: titlescolinbaker2_1.jpg] [Image: titlescolinbaker4_1.jpg] [Image: titlescolinbaker5_1.jpg]
22.01 - 22.02: Attack of the Cybermen (5 - 12 Jan 1985)
22.03 - 22.04: Vengeance on Varos (19 - 26 Jan 1985)
22.09: The Two Doctors: Part Three (2 Mar 1985)

Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) era (1987-1989)
[Image: TitlesMcCoy1_1.jpg] [Image: TitlesMcCoy2_1.jpg] [Image: TitlesMcCoy3_1.jpg] [Image: TitlesMcCoy4_1.jpg]
24.09 - 24.11: Delta and the Bannermen (2 - 16 Nov 1987)
25.01 - 25.04: Remembrance of the Daleks (5 - 26 Oct 1988)
25.05 - 25.07: The Happiness Patrol (2 - 16 Nov 1988)
25.08 - 25.10: Silver Nemesis (23 Nov - 7 Dec 1988)
25.11 - 25.14: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (14 Dec 1988 - 4 Jan 1989)
26.01 - 26.04: Battlefield (6 - 27 Sep 1989)
26.08 - 26.11: The Curse of Fenric (25 Oct - 15 Nov 1989)

See also:

/movie.php?id=60278 - The second big screen Dalek film (the first was Dr. Who and the Daleks, which is set on planet Skaro and features no vehicles)
/movie.php?id=138972 - A pilot episode for a TV series starring the Doctor's old companions Sarah Jane Smith and the robot dog K-9 (no more episodes were made)
/movie.php?id=261655 - 4 years after the cancellation of the series, the 5 surviving Doctors returned for a 3-D special as part of the annual Comic Relief TV charity event. - A 1996 TV movie starring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor was made in a failed attempt to relaunch the series for British and American audiences (this film contains some vehicle action and I may add it sometime in future)
/movie.php?id=436992 - Finally in 2005 the series was successfully brought back by the BBC and is still going strong.
/movie.php?id=862620 - Another Sarah Jane spin-off series followed, which was successful this time, but finished due to Elisabeth Sladen's untimely death from cancer.

-- Last edit: 2023-07-04 01:21:58


2012-03-03 03:06

Too background/unidentifiable vehicles

Day of the Daleks - Ambulance used in episode 1 (this sort of looks like a station wagon-style ambulance like they used to have in America, rather than a van):

[Image: DayDaleksAmbulance1_1.jpg] [Image: DayDaleksAmbulance3_1.jpg]

Terror of the Autons - Triumph Herald and a Ford Zephyr 4 Mk4 in episode 3:

[Image: TerrorAutonsTriumphHerald_1.jpg] [Image: TerrorAutonsCar5_1.jpg]

The Green Death - in episode 1 Bessie overtakes a couple of cars on the road to Llanfairfach, Wales (film is obviously sped up), Jaguar Mk.II (also episode 1), a tractor (episode 2) and a BMC ADO38 (probably a Morris Oxford Series VI according to dsl) (episode 5):

[Image: bessiegreendeath2_1.jpg] [Image: greendeathjaguar1_1.jpg] [Image: greendeathjaguar2_1.jpg] [Image: greendeathtractor_1.jpg] [Image: greendeathcar_1.jpg]

Invasion of the Dinosaurs - Cars in the empty streets of deserted London (thumbnails 1-3 are from Part 1, 4 is from Part 4):

[Image: invasiondinosaursbackground1_1.jpg] [Image: invasiondinosaursbackground2_1.jpg] [Image: invasiondinosaursbackground3_1.jpg] [Image: invasiondinosaursbackground4_1.jpg]

Stock footage used for the film shown in the Reminder Room of the spaceship in Part 5 - 1) Commer PB - 66 D plate 2) Bedford TK 3) Morris Mini Minor Mk1, 1963+ Victor FB Estate, 1970+ facelift Rover P6 (green car) 5) Willam microcar /vehicle_261802-Willam-1968.html :

[Image: invasiondinosaursstockfootage1_1.jpg] [Image: invasiondinosaursstockfootage2_1.jpg] [Image: invasiondinosaursstockfootage3_1.jpg] [Image: invasiondinosaursstockfootage4_1.jpg] [Image: invasiondinosaursstockfootage5_1.jpg]

Planet of the Spiders - 1) A tractor that Mike Yates and Sarah Jane Smith suddenly see in a weird hallucination while driving along in his MGB (Part 1) [*][*] 2) Ford 100E Anglia/Popular (Part 2) [*] 3) The hovercraft the Doctor uses to chase a motorboat in the final leg of the big chase in Part 2 [*][*][*]

[Image: planetspiderstractor_1.jpg] [Image: planetspidersbackground1_1.jpg] [Image: planetspidershovercraft_1.jpg]

Robot - Austin A60 Cambridge (light blue car) seen in Part 4:

[Image: robotcarpark2_1.jpg]

And in Part 3, this 'tank' arrives to take down the robot (which is actually an Action Man toy tank ) with this hilariously ironic bit of dialogue:

Brigadier: I've brought along something that will deal with it.
Doctor: I very much doubt it, Brigadier.
[Image: robottank1.jpg] [Image: robottank2.jpg]

The Hand of Fear - 1974 Volvo 144 in the final scene.

[Image: handoffearvolvo1.jpg] [Image: handoffearvolvo2.jpg]

City of Death - Peugeot 204 Cabriolet visible for a couple of seconds in the background in Part 4:

[Image: CityofDeathPeugeot504Cabriolet1_1.jpg] [Image: CityofDeathPeugeot504Cabriolet2_1.jpg]

The Curse of Fenric - WWII British military motorbike in Part 1:

[Image: FenricArmyBike1_1.jpg]

Aircraft featured in this series:

-- Last edit: 2013-04-03 23:27:30

Kooshmeister US

2014-05-14 02:29

Did 'Ambassadors of Death.'


2014-05-14 15:34

^ Now recolourised and available on DVD:

Elyod UK

2019-01-01 16:46

No entries on the 'future' vehicles the show had?

-- Last edit: 2019-01-01 17:14:01

Gamer DE

2019-01-01 16:50

You mean this? /movie_436992-Doctor-Who.html

Elyod UK

2019-01-01 17:08

Oh no, just for the episodes set in the future with modified vehicles

Elyod UK

2019-01-02 07:05

Season 12 'Revenge of the Cybermen' - pretty sure these are just luggage trolleys with a custom fender.
[Image: vlcsnap-2019-01-02-04h47m58s563.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2019-01-02-05h44m45s540.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2019-01-02-05h55m07s311.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2019-01-02-05h55m18s910.jpg]

Season 25 'The Happiness Patrol' - go-karts with some plastic piping stuck on.
[Image: vlcsnap-2019-01-02-04h59m05s072.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2019-01-02-04h57m13s707.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2019-01-02-04h57m29s542.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-01-02 07:05:32

Elyod UK

2019-01-11 04:44

Some notable non-automobile vehicle appearances in the shows run:

'The Enemy of the World' - a hovercraft in it (not sure what type? Are there any hovercraft fans on IMCDB?) as well as a helicopter (one for IMPDB). This story is supposed to be set in 2018 too :P

[Image: whovehicles31.jpg] [Image: whovehicles29.jpg] [Image: whovehicles24.jpg] [Image: whovehicles25.jpg] [Image: whovehicles26.jpg]

[Image: whovehicles23.jpg] [Image: whovehicles30.jpg] [Image: whovehicles28.jpg] [Image: whovehicles27.jpg]

'The Sea Devils' - an actual Royal Navy hovercraft (ID on screen too) as well as two jet skis for a chase scene

[Image: whovehicles5.jpg] [Image: whovehicles4.jpg] [Image: whovehicles3.jpg] [Image: whovehicles1.1.jpg] [Image: whovehicles7.jpg] [Image: whovehicles2.jpg] [Image: whovehicles6.jpg]

[Image: whovehicles8.jpg] [Image: whovehicles9.jpg] [Image: whovehicles10.jpg] [Image: whovehicles11.jpg]

'Planet of the Spiders' has a hovercraft again for a chase scene

[Image: whovehicles12.jpg] [Image: whovehicles14.jpg] [Image: whovehicles16.jpg] [Image: whovehicles15.jpg]

'Revenge of the Cybermen' - not just the aforementioned trolleys but also these motorboats...kinda funny considering this is supposedly on an alien planet in the future!

[Image: whovehicles17.jpg] [Image: whovehicles19.jpg] [Image: whovehicles18.jpg]

'The Deadly Assassin' - near death in the Matrix from a narrow gauge diesel engine! (Forgot which railway they filmed this at)

[Image: whovehicles20.jpg]

'The Power of Kroll' - characters use hoverboats again, only this is once again supposed to be set in the far future.

[Image: whovehicles21.jpg] [Image: whovehicles22.jpg]

rjluna2 US

2019-01-11 14:19

I think you are looking for Internet Movie Boat Database (IMBDb) :D

Tenner UK

2019-03-01 17:34

Some parked vehicles in ''Inferno''.

[Image: inferno1.jpg]
[Image: inferno2.jpg]
[Image: inferno3.jpg]
[Image: inferno4.jpg]

I'm guessing these are all cars belonging to members of the cast and crew, the black and blue Vauxhall Victor 101 later showed up in ''Terror of the Autons''. Having a hard time making a positive identification of some of the others. Some of the ones I can identify are a Morris Minor Traveller, a Ford Anglia 105E and I think a Ford Escort Mk 1 and a Cortina Mk 2. There's also a red and white Bedford CA minibus hiding somewhere but I wasn't able to get a decent screencapture as it was only seen very briefly with actors in front of it.

-- Last edit: 2019-03-01 17:42:11

dsl SX

2019-03-01 19:17

Tenner wrote Some parked vehicles in 'Inferno'....

Pic 1 - Herald on left, Anglia Estate
Pics 2&3 - Escort Mk1 and Consul Mk2 together, Zephyr Mk4 on right
Pic 4 - Victor 101 saloon with 1966 facelift grille; there's something parked behind it which sort-of-makes it look estate-like.


2019-03-14 15:45

Thanks for adding those vehicles, Elyod. Some more stories with vehicles not listed yet:

Attack of the Cybermen (Ford Granada Mk2 used by bank robbers in episode 1)
Survival (two motorbikes play chicken and there's plenty of 1980s cars around)
Castrovalva (ambulance in episode 1)

And there's probably a few Jon Pertwee stories that haven't been done yet (most of these are set on Earth). Of course many episodes from the 1960s are still missing (the BBC wiped them from their archives).

-- Last edit: 2019-03-14 16:02:37


2019-03-14 15:52

By the way Elyod, there was a motorbike and sidecar that the Doctor uses in Delta and the Bannermen that you missed.

-- Last edit: 2019-03-14 16:00:39


2023-07-07 11:06

G-MANN wrote
Survival (two motorbikes play chicken and there's plenty of 1980s cars around)

[Image: jkop78.jpg]

the one in the middle has 2 star role as it's being washed.


2023-07-07 11:14

G-MANN wrote T
Survival (two motorbikes play chicken and there's plenty of 1980s cars around)

[Image: jkop782.jpg][Image: jkop783.jpg][Image: jkop784.jpg][Image: jkop785.jpg][Image: jkop786.jpg][Image: jkop787.jpg][Image: jkop788.jpg][Image: jkop789.jpg]


2023-07-07 11:18

G-MANN wrote T
Survival (two motorbikes play chicken a

[Image: jkop7810.jpg][Image: jkop7811.jpg]


2023-07-07 11:21

G-MANN wrote T

Castrovalva (ambulance in episode 1)

[Image: jkop7867.jpg][Image: jkop78672.jpg]


2023-09-24 02:28

A lot of Doctor Who Season, 3 onwards are blu ray mostly, if you can updated that would be most helpul

Ambassadors of Death need update, it's in colour now


2023-10-21 16:28

Police car from Black Orchid is missing


2023-11-01 20:22

most of classic who is on Iplayer now! if i have time i will plug some gaps here there.


2023-11-27 00:20

Doctor who classic has missing episodes but has been animated- what do we do?
Shada was unaired epiosde but later stringed together with animation, again what do we do?


2024-03-24 21:32

Doctor who classic has missing episodes but has been animated- what do we do?
Shada was unaired epiosde but later stringed together with animation, again what do we do?


antp BE

2024-03-25 06:30

If these are part of the series I guess they could be added here. Or was that shown as a separate series? Is there another entry for that on IMDb?

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