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Taekoesu Yonggary, Movie, 1967 IMDB

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Also known as:

  • Great Monster Yongary
  • Yongary, Monster from the Deep
  • Yongkari, Monster of the Deep
  • Godzilla, Monster des Schreckens (Germany)
  • Godzillas Todespranke (Germany)
  • Yongary (France)
  • Yongary, monstre des abysses (France)
  • Yongary (Il più grande mostro) (Italy)
  • Dai koesu Yongkari (Japan)

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Comments about this movie

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stronghold EN

2009-03-11 11:09

[Image: yongary1.8749.jpg] [Image: yongary106.4671.jpg] [Image: yongary110.3702.jpg] [Image: yongary128.6470.jpg] [Image: yongary131.7719.jpg]
[Image: yongary45.6655.jpg] [Image: yongary130.9311.jpg] [Image: yongary159.2909.jpg] [Image: yongary153.5991.jpg] [Image: yongary161.7193.jpg]
pics from the dvd gallery:-
[Image: yongary173b.3628.jpg] [Image: yongary174.5844.jpg] [Image: yongary175.7779.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2009-03-11 22:33:15

stronghold EN

2009-03-11 11:10

part seen:-
[Image: yongary61.7320.jpg] [Image: yongary38.4724.jpg] [Image: yongary39.8299.jpg] [Image: yongary2.6440.jpg]
1/ unknown van, 2 & 3/ toyota corona, 4/ buick's & others (seen at the start of the movie)

-- Last edit: 2009-03-11 23:46:16

Gag Halfrunt UK

2009-03-12 00:11

This was a South Korea-Japan co-production, and according to the IMDB all prints with the original Korean soundtrack have been lost.

58Roadmaster US

2009-03-12 02:09

Are the vehicles fully American, such as those imported for sale to the US military? I would be courious if there are any export-market nameplates, such as Diplomat, Mayfair, etc. with respect to the Chrysler examples.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2015-05-10 00:38

Funny or Die has used clips from the film in a skit featuring K-Pop group Crayon Pop.
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