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Harry Birrell Presents Films of Love and War, Documentary, 2019 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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dsl SX

2020-03-21 23:18

[Image: title.553.jpg] [Image: titleb.120.jpg]
Exploration of over 400 rolls of cine film and diary accounts made by a lad from Paisley from late 1930s until more modern times. Covers his career as a geographical surveyor, including WW2 postings to India, Burma etc to make maps rather than fight. Presented mainly by his grand-daughter, who pieces together some of the stories.

An interesting personal story of unusual experiences in remote parts of the world, but some frustrating jumps in the narrative, so perhaps not the claimed social history of some descriptions. Several trains and boats and planes for folk who appreciate the wider things in life, and there is a lot of stuff about photography of the era. Also interesting for fans of Arran. Recommended if these things are likely to float your boat, but not a full-blown must-see.

- practicing road blocks during training, Dunbar 1939
[Image: r16-30dunbarpractice.jpg] [Image: r16-30dunbarpracticeb.jpg]

- trucks in Burma 1945
[Image: r01-19-59trucks.jpg] [Image: r01-24-02.jpg]

- grand-daughter's Audi cabrio (no other view, but probably counts as a 2[*])
[Image: r01-17-26audi.jpg] [Image: r01-17-26audib.jpg]

- loading films into an SUV (no other view, but thoretically a 2[*])
[Image: r01-17-26audic.jpg] [Image: r01-17-26audid.jpg].

Arran 1939
[Image: arran1939.jpg]

dsl SX

2020-04-01 17:59

Demoted from own page - briefly seen 1[*] at 00:22:26
[Image: 22-26blocky.jpg]
dsl wrote Glasgow 1940. Only gets a page because I don't recognise it. If it's boring, it can be demoted to main page comments.

johnfromstaffs wrote It’s boring. It’s a Vauxhall Ten. Or maybe not.

johnfromstaffs EN

2020-04-01 21:15

I think it is a Vauxhall Ten, maybe slightly taller in aspect ratio than it should be.

dsl SX

2021-08-17 23:15

Vauxhall repeated here.

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