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猩猩王 (The Mighty Peking Man), HK Movie, 1977 IMDB

Pictures provided by: stronghold, Jale

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Also known as:

  • Sing sing wong (transliterated)
  • Colossus of Congo
  • Le colosse de Honk Kong (France)
  • 北京原人の逆襲 (Japan)
  • Goliathon (USA)

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Comments about this movie

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stronghold EN

2006-09-10 13:35

[Image: pekingman2ux5.1043.jpg] [Image: pekingman0qi1.8171.jpg] [Image: pekingman31ph6.3123.jpg] [Image: pekingman37xj0.8513.jpg] [Image: pekingman1ot0.3522.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2006-09-10 13:36:47

stronghold EN

2006-09-10 13:38

[Image: pekingman6ll6.4458.jpg] [Image: pekingman7cz1.7426.jpg] [Image: pekingman8ob1.360.jpg]

stronghold EN

2006-09-10 13:38

[Image: pekingman5bl6.2525.jpg] [Image: pekingman114cg4.546.jpg]
...oooppps ..butter fingers..

-- Last edit: 2006-09-11 10:44:08

stronghold EN

2006-09-10 13:42

[Image: pekingman82xt1.8885.jpg] [Image: pekingman83td3.232.jpg] [Image: pekingman89jf3.7128.jpg] [Image: pekingman85kz6.1570.jpg] [Image: pekingman105nq4.3060.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2006-09-11 10:38:52

Jale PL

2009-05-27 01:12

Nice view: [Image: mi35.2442.jpg]

And something funny - trucks: [Image: mi08.4116.jpg] with closer look to the cab: [Image: mi09.6187.jpg]

Weasel1984 PL

2009-05-27 01:27

Jak przy zastępowaniu starych zdjęć nowymi używasz tych samych (podobnych) klatek, to nie musisz potem tych starych fotek umieszczać w komentarzach. Nie ma co se dodawać roboty. :D

Jale PL

2009-05-27 01:31

No tak, ale na niektórych starych - o zgrozo - więcej widać. :/

antp BE

2009-05-27 11:02

Jale >> when you replace a picture by a better one of the same shot/scene, it is not useful to keep the old one in comments, as it shows the same ;)

-- Last edit: 2009-05-27 11:03:06

Jale PL

2009-05-27 11:12

Should I delete this pictures?

Edit: Than... Done. ;)

-- Last edit: 2009-05-27 11:44:40

antp BE

2009-05-27 11:17

Those in comment where you wrote "replaced:" ? Yes, it is not useful to keep them if the new one shows the same angle/scene/shot ;)

antp BE

2009-05-27 14:00

Jale wrote
Edit: Than... Done. ;)

you missed a Mustang and a Beetle :D

Jale PL

2009-05-27 14:07

Errm... Mustang deleted, but VW... In old picture is little bigger. ;)

Member-x FI

2012-01-17 19:14

Some cars I didn't see among the ones submitted:

[Image: armyveh.jpg][Image: datsun100a.jpg][Image: firetruck.jpg][Image: redbus.jpg]
[Image: silvermerc.jpg][Image: somebus.jpg][Image: streetcarnight.jpg][Image: trucktotheleft.jpg]

Ingo DE

2012-01-17 20:45

On thumbnail 2 -worth to keep anyways- a Datsun Cherry, on 4 a British Doubledecker Bus, probably assembled in HK, on the next a Mercedes W116-S-Klasse, on the after next a Fiat 125 on the right.

rjluna2 US

2012-01-17 20:51

Filming location:

Mysore, Karnataka, India

GodzillaFan54 CA

2017-11-18 18:43

One of MANY films made to cash in on the 1976 remake of King Kong.

GodzillaFan54 CA

2022-07-03 20:14

[quote=Jale]And something funny - trucks: [Image: mi08.4116.jpg]

1977 Tonka? :lol:

-- Last edit: 2022-07-03 20:14:37

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