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F·I·S·T (Fist), US Movie, 1978 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Ddey65, Jim_Lahey

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Also known as:

  • F.I.S.T
  • F.I.S.T.
  • Кулак
  • Ф.И.С.T. (Bulgaria)
  • P.E.S.T. (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Ein Mann geht seinen Weg (Germany)
  • F.I.S.T. - Ein Mann geht seinen Weg (Germany)
  • Bossen (Denmark)
  • F. I. S. T. (Spain)
  • F.I.S.T. Símbolo de fuerza (Spain)
  • K.O.V.A. (Finland)
  • T.U.F.F. (Finland)
  • Mushti (Georgia)
  • Πυγμή (Greece)
  • Ö.K.Ö.L. (Hungary)
  • フィスト (Japan)
  • Kumštis (Lithuania)
  • Фист (Serbia)
  • Kamyoncu (Türkiye)
  • 拳頭大風暴 (Taiwan)

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Comments about this movie

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Ddey65 US

2008-11-05 02:26

There's a scene from this movie taking place in the 1950's where Sylvester Stallone has a bronze statue of a truck on his desk. The truck is a Mack R or U Series, and Mack didn't make them until 1965.

[Image: 1965mackruseriesstatue1.5549.jpg][Image: 1965mackruseriesstatue2.2102.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2009-03-30 00:11:32

Ddey65 US

2009-03-31 22:07

More scenes of the trucker's strike in Washington D.C.

[Image: fisttruckersstrikeatthe.319.jpg][Image: fisttruckersstrikeinwas.3887.jpg][Image: fisttruckersstrikecongr.457.jpg]

vilero ES

2009-04-01 14:29

After Rocky (1976) Stallone directed two good movies, this one FIST and Paradise Alley. The third after Rocky was Rocky II and he lost permanently his way.

yuki US

2009-10-10 03:02

anyone knows what make and model the pickup truck is johnny drives in the very beginning of the movie?
i believe its a 30s ford but im not sure

Ddey65 US

2009-10-21 08:23

It is, and I believe it's a '34. Now, I'm considering adding this movie back in my Netflix queue.

EDIT UPDATE: I was wrong. It's older.

-- Last edit: 2010-03-02 18:04:02

Ddey65 US

2010-03-04 21:55

I think that'll be it for me. There's also a truck with a spotlight and a grille guard, which I thought might've also been the same International Harvester shown here for a while:
[Image: fistunknownspotlighttru.2201.jpg][Image: fistunknownspotlighttru.2201.jpg]

Unfortunatley, it was too dark for me to have any idea what it was.

-- Last edit: 2010-08-17 01:49:26

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