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Kenny, Movie, 2006 IMDB

Pictures provided by: valiant1962, MisterZ

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valiant1962 AU

2008-02-11 21:22

Kenny is a plumber. He specialising in "Corporate bathroom hire" - ie portable toilets, and travels around with his crew to major events. Very funny movie.

taxiguy US

2008-02-12 01:39

Why is there a Crown Victoria in an Australian movie?

valiant1962 AU

2008-02-12 06:51

He takes a trip to Nashville to a "Pumpers And Cleaners" convention

valiant1962 AU

2008-02-21 12:51

Some military aircraft at the Air Show
[Image: snapshot20071030091649wd1.2194.jpg] [Image: snapshot20071030090852px4.6024.jpg] [Image: snapshot20071030091245gr0.2905.jpg] [Image: snapshot20071030091110tz2.5923.jpg] [Image: snapshot20071030090900bc0.1836.jpg]

MisterZ AU

2014-02-22 15:21

HD upload complete.

police car fan NL

2014-02-24 17:50

It doesn't really look HD to me :think:

MisterZ AU

2014-02-24 23:38

It is HD, but the movie is intentionally filmed in an amateur/low budget style, to make it appear like it's a real documentary (it's actually completely fictional). In any case, the previous images were 4:3 taken from an analog PAL TV broadcast back in 2008 (I'm assuming) so they needed to be updated.

-- Last edit: 2018-10-23 18:20:24

Corkeyandpals US

2014-03-26 05:37

Aircraft at:

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