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Death Wish 3, Movie, 1985 IMDB

Pictures provided by: garco, Q-Ball, police car fan

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Also known as:

  • Le justicier de New York (France)
  • Il giustiziere della notte 3 (Italy)

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garco NL

2006-09-23 19:59

[Image: heli011425ss8.1314.jpg][Image: tanks5834ob4.5597.jpg]

Honda Accord:
[Image: i588524.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-04-19 22:38:02

Gag Halfrunt UK

2007-03-12 22:12

Quote Filming Locations for
Death Wish 3 (1985)

London, England, UK

Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Q-Ball JP

2008-06-24 03:50

Hmmm. I just saw this movie. Mybe i'll put off that trip to New York a little while :D

58Roadmaster US

2008-06-24 04:19

Alphabet City NYC photos (1970s):
There is no indication from wikipedia that this area was featured in the film.

-- Last edit: 2008-06-24 04:40:19

Q-Ball JP

2008-07-16 13:15

wow, thanks, 58Roadmaster :D

You really convinced me. ;(

Ddey65 US

2009-09-04 14:57

I thought this was supposed to be East New York, Brooklyn.

-- Last edit: 2009-09-04 14:57:32

Gag Halfrunt UK

2009-09-04 23:07

Yes, but part of the film was shot in London.

cl82 DE

2009-10-22 05:10

At least the disgusting shootout and actually all scenes that take place on the street were shot in London on a site where a big hospital from the Victorian age used to be. Director Michael Winner chose the place not only because it was being demolished at the time but also because it was only a few minutes away from his London home. If you take a look at the picture where the '74 Gran Fury is listed you can clearly see a brick building in the background whose architecture style is undoubtedly Victorian. When I heard about that story the first thing that occured to me was the making of the movie "Full Metal Jacket" which was also shot in the London area, at least as far as the cobat scenes are concerned. Still, my second thought was that comparing these two movies is actually an insult to "Full Metal Jacket" and its entire cast.


2009-10-22 15:57

Well I don't think anyone would compare Michael Winner to Stanley Kubrick!

Andrew Nicholson EN

2010-08-12 21:57

This film is awesome well done Michael Winner for making a great film

cko US

2012-01-22 19:21

I just finished watching it on Youtube after not having seen it for about 10 years. One thing about it is that it is VERY exaggerated but not much CGI.The fire was real, the crashes were real, and I really thought it was shot in the wost part of New York in the 80s.

BTW, the script referred to the area as "Sutter and Belmont". In actuality, these streets are very long and run parallel to each other. They made it sound like they intersected. Nowadays, these streets combine a mixture of raggedy old buildings with window bars and newer, nicer infill development.Sutter Avenue does NOT look like this now and has seen a great deal of re-growth (see what google images teaches you :>). And I don't think it was open season on elderly people,killing them at the rate they were killed and victimized here, even in the 80s.As I said, very exaggerated,but also very disturbing to watch, which to me means, if you were impacted in any way, good or bad, the filmmaker did a good job of making a movie that won't be easily forgotten.

-- Last edit: 2012-01-22 19:24:37

Gag Halfrunt UK

2012-01-22 19:44

Well, photorealistic CGI didn't exist in 1985. There wasn't any way to fake fires without obvious optical effects or fake crashes without obvious miniatures.

police car fan NL

2012-08-26 00:37

Hmmm... How about those NYPD cars, did they ship them to London? Or are they just fake, i don't think so.

-- Last edit: 2012-08-26 00:42:20

Ingo DE

2012-08-26 01:15

As Gag has mentioned above, this movie was filmed in Brooklyn, too. You can see typical N.Y.architecture and other background items on several pics.

Q-Ball JP

2013-04-18 22:19
Here's a movie featurette that can put aside some of the arguments about what scenes were filmed where.

ecclefechan SX

2014-02-19 16:26

cl82 wrote Still, my second thought was that comparing these two movies is actually an insult to "Full Metal Jacket" and its entire cast.

Full Metal Jacket may be the better film, but this one did a much better job of making London look like where it was supposed to be. I'd seen Death Wish 3 many times and I had no idea it was shot in London. I just watched it again recently and I still was amazed at how authentic it looks, and it's very difficult to tell that it's not shot in NYC.

Whereas Full Metal Jacket just looks like exactly where it was shot, an old industrial complex with a few Date Palms (which wouldn't be seen in Vietnam) thrown in for effect.

paleryder44 US

2015-12-21 07:45

I was there when they filmed in Brooklyn. Let me clear up some misinformation. The first half of the film was shot in East New york and NOT England. This relates to the outdoor scenes on th streets. The INDOOR scenes were shot in England. By the time filming got to the second half of the film. the Mayor of New York was embarrassed at what Charles Bronson was filming and showing. He was upset at the portrayal of the police as inept and the run down slum areas of Brooklyn being shown. He pulled the production companies film permits for Brooklyn. The production then was forced to the South bronx and an adjacent location where many of outdoor scenes of the riot and burning took place. You can clearly see a change in architecture in the last 20 minutes of the film. At one point yo uan clearly read a street sign "177th street" which didnt exist in East New York and is definitely in the Bronx. As far as the locations IDB shows and lists exact street addresses used on Glenmore Ave, Sutter Ave, Hendrix St, Dumont Ave and Van Siclen Ave. In 1985 that area was already past the "burned out" stages and was in the rebuilding mode. Most of the old burned ouy buildings were from the 1977 Black out era and were already demolished. That is why there are so many vacant lots seen. Those buildings already torn down. If they has shot the film in 1976 the area would have looked 100X worse than it already does. ALthough NO video seems to exist of the area in the mid 1970's I was there..and what there was --was a SLUM. Tenements with broken windows, leaking roofs, parts of buildings falling off, graffiti. There were NO "multi ethnic gangs". That is a movie lie. Elderly and anyone were already targeted by Black thugs and it forced all who could i nthe erarly and mid 70's to move out. I recall nights where my neighbors, who were black, told me about the chain beatings of white commuters and lead pipe beatings of innocent old people getting off trains. The principal of the Midele School was a victim of chain beating at George Gershwin and there were many random beatings and muggings at Thomas Jefferson High School. Was it filled with machine gun toting BIKERS. NO. But the fallacy that the whole film was shot in ENGLAND is a LIE.

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2023-02-28 21:00


Cadillac Seville crash into Dodge Monaco; explosion.

'77 Plymouth Fury explosive crash/flipover.

Ford Fairmont police car crash into Ford Maverick; explosion.

AMC Hornet, Chevy Monza and '78 Buick Skylark explosions.

Many motorcycles wipe out during final action sequence.

-- Last edit: 2023-03-03 06:40:32

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