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Pěsti ve tmě (Fists in the Dark), CZ Movie, 1987 IMDB

Pictures provided by: 130rapid

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Also known as:

  • Fäuste im Dunkeln (Germany)
  • Öklök a sötétben (Hungary)
  • Pięści w ciemności (Poland)

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Comments about this movie

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130rapid PL

2017-12-26 20:51

Another multiple cars entries.
[Image: fewcars01.1.jpg] [Image: fewcars02.1.jpg] [Image: fewcars05.jpg] [Image: fewcars08.jpg]

Some lovely wall adverts.
[Image: ad01.jpg] [Image: ad02.jpg] [Image: ad03.jpg]
[Image: cz01.jpg] [Image: cz02.jpg] [Image: cz03.jpg] [Image: cz04.jpg]

Car in paper, probably one of Horch.
[Image: carinpaper.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-12-26 20:56:10

130rapid PL

2017-12-26 21:00

And locomotive.
[Image: train01.1.jpg]

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