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1937 DKW Reichsklasse [F7]

1937 DKW Reichsklasse [F7] in Operation Amsterdam, Movie, 1959 IMDB

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: DE

1937 DKW Reichsklasse [F7]

Pos: 0:17:12 [*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


Sunbar UK

2007-08-13 18:01

One of the two cars on the left of the picture. (They look similar or the same to me?)

Alexander DE

2007-08-13 19:02

On the left a DKW Reichsklasse, the burning one behind it more likely a Wanderer.

DynaMike NL

2007-08-14 00:01

The streamlined car on teh right is a 1936+ Lincoln Zephyr, I'd say.

pilou BE

2007-08-14 10:34

The burning one also appears to have a DKW grille ,DKW Meisterklasse F7 1937, Wanderers grilles were rounded convex.Right is indeed the rear end of a Lincoln Zephyr may be the same one as on the other picture in this movie.In the background ,1931 Ford Model A Tudr Sedan.

Alexander DE

2007-08-14 12:07

[Image: parkinglot2is7.9246.jpg]

1: DKW F7 Reichsklasse (1937)
2: DKW F7 Meisterklasse (1937)
3: Peugeot 202 (1938)
4: Ford Model A Tudor Sedan (1931)
5: Lincoln Zephyr (1936)

Pierre EN

2017-01-02 21:06

Well done, Alexander. Unlikely that the poor old Meisterklasse survived into preservation.

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