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1965 Plymouth Belvedere

1965 Plymouth Belvedere in Life on Mars, TV Series, 2008-2009 IMDB Ep. 1.01

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: US

1965 Plymouth Belvedere

Pos: 00:38:58 [*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


Sunbar UK

2008-10-18 10:54

[Image: 204129-vlcsnap-50585.jpg] [Image: 204130-vlcsnap-51690.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2009-11-13 21:44:08 (Neon)

Ddey65 US

2008-10-18 14:16

There it is; The 1965 Plymouth Belvedere. I would've sworn that NYPD would've got rid of them by 1973. Suffolk County PD certainly didn't have so many police cars leftover from 1965 by that time.

-- Last edit: 2008-10-18 14:18:02

Hiergehts CH

2008-10-18 19:56

Ddey65 wrote There it is; The 1965 Plymouth Belvedere. I would've sworn that NYPD would've got rid of them by 1973. Suffolk County PD certainly didn't have so many police cars leftover from 1965 by that time.

I agree in that if you combine the heavy use those cars normally saw + the generally hard winters, 5-6 years was about it max. Look at the original French Connection (1971), in it there are a number of mid-late 60's Chevy and Plymouth patrol/detective cars featured and they're all 'well worn' looking.

Plymouth Fury: /vehicle_98883-Plymouth-Fury-1968.html

Chevrolet Biscayne: /vehicle_41087-Chevrolet-Biscayne-1966.html

Ddey65 US

2008-10-18 21:17

Not to mention the political turmoil of the late-1960's and early-1970's. The cars took as much of a beating as the cops themselves. Here's another '66 Biscayne from The Seven-Ups two years later:

Another tip; 1973 was the year both NYC and Suffolk County Police Departments started repainting their police cars. New York painted them light blue with white lettering, and Suffolk, which originally had medium-blue cars with white roofs and front doors now had white cars with blue stripes. I'm not sure when Nassau County repainted theirs, but I'm pretty sure it was later on in the decade.

-- Last edit: 2008-11-16 14:16:58

greybear EN

2008-10-19 10:38

What prompted American Police Departments to move away from the traditional 'black and white' colour scheme? Modern US police vehicles don't seem nearly so distinctive.

Ddey65 US

2008-10-19 14:31

greybear wrote What prompted American Police Departments to move away from the traditional 'black and white' colour scheme? Modern US police vehicles don't seem nearly so distinctive.

Most California PD's still have that, from what I gather from TV. Chicago has always had variations of blue & white as far as I know, and most Florida Sheriff's Departments have been green & white. When I was born, New York City was green and white, like you see here, Nassau County was orange and blue, and Suffolk County was blue and white, as I described above.

-- Last edit: 2008-10-19 14:37:36

greybear EN

2008-10-19 14:52

Ddey: Thanks for that. I guess I pre-date you by some twenty years and when I was growing up it seemed that the default colour scheme for any American police car, in movies, comics or on tv, was black and white. Mind you, when I was growing up the default colour option for movies, comics and tv was also black and white! :D

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