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Life on Mars, TV Series, 2008-2009 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Sunbar, Neon, 993cc

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Sunbar UK

2008-10-17 16:39

I am adding screen captures for episodes 1 and 2 but the quality of the pictures could be better.

If anyone is intending to add theirs please let me know or replace them where necessary.

-- Last edit: 2017-09-13 02:18:31 (dsl)

Ddey65 US

2008-10-17 16:58

I saw the series premier last week, and I was wondering where the 1970's NYPD cars were. It looks like they were saving them for the second episode, because I saw a 1972 Fury back then. Sorry, I don't have screencaps.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-10-17 17:02

Is that Jeep involved in any car chase?

Sunbar UK

2008-10-17 17:10

The Jeep is not used in a car chase. Most car chases will take place in the past, back in the 1970s, I guess.

-- Last edit: 2008-10-17 17:11:14

skywatcher68 US

2008-10-17 17:24

carchasesfanatic wrote Is that Jeep involved in any car chase?

It is used in a scene in which Sam (the driver) and Maya (his partner) are responding to a crime scene but, as said above, not a chase.

-- Last edit: 2008-10-17 17:25:29

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-10-17 17:30

Thanks guys ;)

skywatcher68 US

2008-10-17 17:34

1973 Sam drives a '71/'72 Chevelle SS or Malibu SS. Gene Hunt has a Dodge Coronet, can't remember if it's a '72 or '73.

-- Last edit: 2008-10-17 17:35:49

Ddey65 US

2008-10-17 20:40

Skywatcher68 wrote 1973 Sam drives a '71/'72 Chevelle SS or Malibu SS.

I think it's a '72. I know IMDb was running ads for it that showed the car. Maybe ABC's official website has episodes.

UPDATE: I was wrong. It's a 1971:
Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2008-12-02 03:28:41

skywatcher68 US

2008-10-17 20:48

Ddey65 wrote Maybe ABC's offical website has episodes.
The page has a "watch online now" button.
Quote I was wrong. It's a 1971

And that's a '72 Dodge. Thought so.

-- Last edit: 2008-10-17 20:50:56

Sunbar UK

2008-10-19 13:34

Episodes one and two completed.

1.01 "Out Here in the Fields"

1.02 "The Real Adventures of the Unreal Sam Tyler"

More but smaller, background vehicles.

Including a Ford? pick-up, sedan and scooter. Did the NYPD actually use scooters? It looks to be implied that it was used for patrol.

[Image: 0108zz6.3739.jpg] [Image: 02116rg7.6756.jpg] [Image: 02411mt2.9391.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2008-10-19 13:37:15

Ddey65 US

2008-10-19 14:43

The Ford F-350 could be from anywhere between 1973 and 1977. I can't see enough of the grille to know if it's a true '73 or not. The sedan is a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle.

carobserver MX

2008-10-20 07:24

I don´t understand why in that kind of series set in the 70s doesn´t appear the real best selling cars of that era, like Impalas, LTD, Pintos, Vegas, etc.

skywatcher68 US

2008-10-31 03:56

Unless I'm mistaken, Sam is shown exiting a '71 Ford Custom in tonight's episode. They only showed a brief glimpse of the passenger side headlights.

Edit: I got a screencap from the online video at and there's a lot more of that Ford front end than I thought. It just went by so fast on the TV that I only caught the passenger side headlights.

-- Last edit: 2008-11-02 08:45:48

skywatcher68 US

2008-10-31 03:59

Sunbar wrote Did the NYPD actually use scooters? It looks to be implied that it was used for patrol.

Maybe it's for a meter maid?

-- Last edit: 2008-10-31 03:59:41

skywatcher68 US

2008-11-07 04:06

That '71 Ford just got blowed up!

stevel200 US

2008-11-08 04:32

carobserver wrote I don´t understand why in that kind of series set in the 70s doesn´t appear the real best selling cars of that era, like Impalas, LTD, Pintos, Vegas, etc.

I don't know about Impalas and LTDs, but there aren't that many restored Pintos and Vegas running around in 2008!

-- Last edit: 2008-11-08 04:32:40

Ddey65 US

2008-11-14 03:14

stevel200 wrote
I don't know about Impalas and LTDs, but there aren't that many restored Pintos and Vegas running around in 2008!

Well, the '72 Impala that was used in "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen" was in decent shape for a movie made in 2004, and that movie wasn't exactly a period piece.

BTW, I missed last weeks episode, but I'm not missing this one.

CougarTim US

2008-11-14 04:52

Vehicular anachronism tonight: there was a television commercial for the AMC Pacer, which didn't debut until 1975. I didn't get a very good look, but the ad may even have been for a redesigned 1978 model.

Ddey65 US

2008-11-14 05:03

CougarTim wrote Vehicular anachronism tonight: there was a television commercial for the AMC Pacer, which didn't debut until 1975. I didn't get a very good look, but the ad may even have been for a redesigned 1978 model.

It was. Not only that, the Police truck (which was probably a Gerstenslager) had square headlights, something which wasn't even added by GM until 1975, and certaily wasn't added on trucks until later on in the decade.

UPDATE: I just submitted the goof to IMDb.

-- Last edit: 2008-11-14 15:34:46


2008-11-14 18:42

Next week you should see my Gold '65 Ford Falcon in the show.

[Image: IMGP1169VSml.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2008-11-14 19:03:04

debrisdujour US

2008-11-25 20:36

Hello to all the Fans of LOM (Life on Mars) & My 1971 Lincoln Mark III

The First Lincoln Mark III was actually introduced in 1957-58??
This Series of Mark's Started out as a 1967 Thunderbird when Iacocca (then a top Ford exec) directed design VP Gene Bordinat to "put a Rolls Royce grille on a Thunderbird."
The First Mark III's were sold as 1968 1/2. This Year & the 1969 Had Exposed Windshield Wipers. Starting in 1970 They were Hidden under the Hood & Stayed that way from then on. That is the only Way to tell the 1969 Mark from the 70 & 71's
If you want to learn more the Wikipedia Link above is a great place to start.

I am the Proud owner of this Lincoln, which looks just like the French Connection Car & also Very Proud to be Part of LOM.
The Cast & Crew, the BG Extras & All the other Car owners are the Greatest Group of People it's been my Pleasure to Work with.
I almost forgot to Include the Craft Service People :king:
My car & I have also worked on
Taking Woodstock
Last of the Ninth

I would be Happy to answer any Questions about the Cars & show that I can So feel free to ask
Just give me a day or two to get back to you.
Don't forget to Watch Life On Mars Starting up again on 1/28/09 Wednesday @ 10:00 PM EST. on ABC
Don G

-- Last edit: 2008-11-25 20:39:23

Sunbar UK

2008-11-30 16:42

Hi Don, welcome to IMCDb.

I guess the question of most interest currently is about Sam Tyler's Chevelle. Is it really a genuine Chevelle SS or a standard Chevelle made to look like an SS?

Sunbar UK

2008-12-01 13:02

Episode 1.06 "Tuesday's Dead" completed.
Episode 1.07 "The Man Who Sold the World" has only a few very small background vehicles in a night street scene.

Axl_Rosenberg US

2008-12-02 16:00

Hey Don, and hey Mike - I see you guys are already here. It's me Dave and I'll try and post some photos behind the scenes of stuff that's already aired.

Axl_Rosenberg US

2008-12-02 16:40

Since there's a lot of interest in Sam Tyler's car, here are some clear shots of it. To the best of my knowledge, it's a nicely done SS clone. I don't know how to decode GM VINs of that era off the top of my head - I'll try and grab the VIN and clear up any confusion
[Image: mars53545142rt5.4479.jpg] [Image: mars43550923di3.1334.jpg] [Image: mars63554710iu5.4186.jpg] [Image: mars73560601sx8.9214.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2008-12-02 17:00:06 (antp)

antp BE

2008-12-02 17:00

These pictures are rather big - I converted them to clickable thumbnail images ;)

Sunbar UK

2008-12-03 13:49

Episode 1.03 "My Maharishi Is Bigger Than Your Maharishi" completed.
Episode 1.04 "Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadows?" completed.
Episode 1.05 "Things to Do in New York When You Think You're Dead" completed.

Any rather small or partly seen background vehicles maybe added if seen in future episodes.

-- Last edit: 2008-12-03 19:59:31

Sunbar UK

2008-12-07 13:51

CougarTim wrote Vehicular anachronism tonight: there was a television commercial for the AMC Pacer, which didn't debut until 1975. I didn't get a very good look, but the ad may even have been for a redesigned 1978 model.

The television commercial for the AMC Pacer in episode 1.06

[Image: cap057at4.4551.jpg] [Image: cap052axh9.8412.jpg]

...also another car seen in a news clip on television in episode 1.05

[Image: 105tvhg1.9076.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2008-12-07 13:54:04

Ddey65 US

2009-01-29 17:16

I saw a 1969 Dodge Coronet on last night's episode.

Sunbar UK

2009-02-22 14:39

Episode 1.08 "Take a Look at the Lawmen"
Episode 1.09 "The Dark Side of the Mook"
Episode 1.10 "Let All the Children Boogie"
and Episode 1.11 "Home Is Where You Hang Your Holster" completed.

More background vehicles, only partly seen.

[Image: 02018.967.jpg] [Image: 02136.593.jpg] [Image: cap017.484.jpg]

Chevrolet 'B' body (ep. 1.10) and two Mustangs (ep. 1.11).

-- Last edit: 2009-02-22 14:40:31

67impala US

2009-02-27 23:10

Car scene in ep 1.10 is a 2dr 1967 Chevy Impala

mister car from 971

2009-03-12 02:54

In the episode that I saw last Wednesday, some cars blew up with a bomb on it

mister car from 971

2009-03-12 02:56

Bad news: ABC has decided to cancel the US version of Life On Mars. Consequently, the last episode will air on April 1st. Such a shame!!! This series was cool!!! It deserved to have a Season 2!!!

-- Last edit: 2009-03-12 05:08:22

stpaulcarguy US

2009-08-10 20:05

Spoiler - click here to see it
is it just me or did that finale really really suck? i mean come on. Sam turns out to be a space traveller from the future. how stupid was that?

-- Last edit: 2009-08-16 01:33:26 (Neon)

Neon IT

2009-08-16 01:35

Sunbar wrote I am adding screen captures for episodes 1 and 2 but the quality of the pictures could be better.

If anyone is intending to add theirs please let me know or replace them where necessary.

I am downloading this series in HD... can I replace your pictures with better ones?

Sunbar UK

2009-10-19 17:42

Please do, also I was unable to finish the series. Unfortunately I could not access the later ones.

Therefore some of the final episodes are missing.

Neon IT

2009-10-19 17:47

Ok, thanks ;)

skywatcher68 US

2010-06-23 17:35

Sunbar wrote Did the NYPD actually use scooters? It looks to be implied that it was used for patrol.

Here's a NYPD officer in prone position with his arms steadied by a scooter in 1971. Caption says it's on 44th Street so I'd guess it got called away from Central Park.

-- Last edit: 2010-06-23 17:46:39

jpts AU

2016-01-21 14:27

I've seen the original UK version of the series as well as the follow up series; Ashes To Ashes.

madpogue US

2017-03-08 01:11

Episode 14 featured this van, borrowed from Det. Carling's brother, as a surveillance vehicle:
[Image: lom0114van.jpg]
[Image: lom0114van2.jpg]
Appears to be late '70s or early '80s Chevy/GMC. Anybody able to pin the model year?

An anachronism, anyway, with the rectangular headlights.

-- Last edit: 2017-03-08 01:20:02

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